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Postby DragonFiend17 » Sunday 13 February 2005 3:14:22am

Okay, she is awesome and all, and i totally admire her writing, heck i did a report on her--but i can NEVER, EVER forgive her for killing Sirius!!! the evilness... :evil: :mad:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 13 February 2005 3:48:47am

WHY DID YOU MISPLACE HIM!!!!!!!! WHY!?!?!?!?!!?
DIE J.K. DIE!!!!!
:mad: :evil: :mad: :mad: :evil: :mad: :evil: :mad:

*sobs* :crying: :cry: :-( :(
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Sunday 13 February 2005 3:28:41pm

SpongyDonutLuvr547 wrote: DIE J.K. DIE!!!!!
:mad: :evil: :mad: :mad: :evil: :mad: :evil: :mad:

*sobs* :crying: :cry: :-( :(

But then you won't ever read the seventh book... :grin:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 13 February 2005 4:03:56pm

lol... ill kill her after,

but first, knife, whomping willow, aragog, or bazooka??
or, something i dont have listed???
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 13 February 2005 6:07:51pm

Yep, you forgot dear Bellatrix' nasty curses and...the veil. :grin: Am I mean?

No, honestly, I really know what you mean. My favourite characters are always killed, ALWAYS! *already waves goodbye to Snape*
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 13 February 2005 6:12:51pm

same here... :( i like smape too... but one of my fav. characters im almost sure wont die is molly...
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Monday 14 February 2005 12:48:10am

fred, george, or lupin better not die.... :evil: :x :-( :mad:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Monday 14 February 2005 12:50:33am

if molly, percy, or luna die, I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:mad: :evil: :red evil:
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 16 February 2005 6:38:28pm

I find you all quite disturbing and I firmly believe the death of Sirius was a mercy killing. He died a good clean death....think of the fate that awaited him if that hadn't have happened. Voldemort already knew he was in London because Lucious knew he was at the station when the kids went to school. Had Sirius lived then he would have been caught and given to a dementor at some point. Or Voldemort would have continued to use him to manipulate Harry through his dreams.
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Saturday 19 February 2005 3:11:03am

A good, clean death??? c'mon...i agree it probably wasnt painful, but still--Death Eaters had been prepared, he had been caught unaware--just think, he had been locked up/in hiding for--what now--15 years? and he hadnt been able to live a normal life. it wasnt fair for him, he didnt have the life anyone else has/could have, not even the option. :x :mad:
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 19 February 2005 7:13:10pm

exactly, not even the option, it would have been nice if he could have cleared his name and all ended happy but be realistic, he would have been caught and his soul given to a dementor before they had chance to prove that he was innocent if they ever got the chance....he needs wormtail to prove his innocence....wormtail is not just going to walk up and admit he killed everyone instead...

Better he died now that way than being caught by a dementor because he got restless of hiding like he was doing....
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Postby Just Mom » Sunday 20 February 2005 1:15:06am

Scellanis, I had never really thought about Sirius' death being, "a good clean death," but it does make sense. His was already a life cut short by prison and had he lived much longer, he probably would have wound up as you suggested. I'd always assumed that his character was one that was sort of, "all dressed up with no place to go." (figuratively speaking.) Going through the veil was probably a better alternative although I do think we might see him again in some other form, a little later on. (but not alive.) Dumbledore has already confirmed that Sirius is dead, not misplaced.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 20 February 2005 3:12:25am

Hehe, I said it somewhere else, but as it fits in here so perfectly, I'm shamelessly quoting myself now:

I think he was indeed misplaced. He was misplaced when they put a brilliant, courageous, good-hearted, loyal and absolutely innocent man into hell on earth and stole twelve years of his life away. He was also misplaced when he, who had been deprived of any chance to grow up, came back into a world that had gone on whereas he hadn't, desparately clinging to the illusion that Harry could replace the friend he lost. Now, he's probably at home.
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 20 February 2005 12:10:45pm

So true, he can be at peace now causing havoc in wizard heaven or wherever it is wizards go with his best friend James....
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