The third child

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The third child

Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 26 January 2005 10:56:41am

JK has born her third child, a girl! :jump:
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Postby Just Mom » Wednesday 26 January 2005 12:44:51pm

Baby's name is Mackenzie Murray (with middle name Jean Rowling?) according to her official site. She must do "birth" very well to be out of the hospital and tinkering around on the computer after only three days. My 4th is due in June and I don't imagine I'll be checking email after three days, let alone updating a website. JKR must have plenty of relatives around helping.
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 26 January 2005 3:37:50pm

You'd be surprised what you can accomplish with five minutes between naps. Me and my sister (and the rest of my relatives) were still alive with relatively working health when my nephew was newborn (then again, we did all chip in)
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Postby Just Mom » Wednesday 26 January 2005 7:56:47pm

When my 3rd child was born, he was really HUGE. Nearly 10lbs, and about 23 inches long. I was still so sore the third day I was on pain medication and out of it. The pain meds were not just for a sore bottom though, the after-birth cramping gets worse with each baby and lasts for a week or two. I can't wait to see what it will be like this go around! But yes, having a lot of help cooking and seeing after the other children, is a huge help. In JKR's case, she's got an older daughter (who can dress herself and use the microwave presumably) and her husband and other relatives/staff can help with her middle child while she takes care of the baby. Gee, I'd be ready to update my website too!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 27 January 2005 4:53:01am

lol im a 3rd child and i was like tiny, like 5 and a bit lbs
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 13 February 2005 11:13:26pm

i was a 2nd child... i was avg. size, but i have 2 younger siblings... talk about crazy!
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 14 February 2005 12:01:26am

My, you all have siblings :cry:

I'm an only child (so naturally, I'm spoiled :)), and my mum had a cesarian cut. So no stress until elemantary school... :grin:
However, my aunt says now that I'm about to turn twenty, it's time to marry and have children of my own. Help!
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Monday 14 February 2005 12:05:52am

lol... im in 7th gr.... cant say i want kids... lol
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