It's truly interesting to see how much power an author can have. She has created quite a scandal in Czech republic with one single letter.
According to her, the way that children are treated in Czech psychiatric sanatories isn't human, because they're kept in beds which are like cages (only net is around them, sort of a net cage). But isn't it far less human to keep someone isolated or tied to a bed? Those nets are used rarely and they're there to protect the patients, so that they wouldn't fall from their beds and also to protect the nurses when the patients are aggressive. The problem is that there's not enough money for health care and for about 20 patients there's only one nurse, because more can't be efforded, and therefore there's no other way.
The Czech president (Vaclav Klaus) seemed quite offended, but has decided to hand the problem over to the specialists. The minister of health ordered to have all those beds cancelled, though the doctors were protesting.