Book Banning: Harry Potter

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Book Banning: Harry Potter

Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 11 February 2004 9:01:52pm

I dont know if you know this, but the Harry Potter Series is ranked #7 on the Top Banned/Challenged Books from the American Library Association! Some reasons are that their worlds seems more fun then the real world, so people actually believe that they exist. Also, the idea of Wizardry clashes with religious belifs of many people. Im just curious on what you guys think about this issue.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Wednesday 11 February 2004 9:05:07pm

RUBBISH!!!! :razz: My humble opinion on this issue!
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Postby jarvan49 » Wednesday 11 February 2004 9:05:43pm

Here's my thoughts:

I think people with a lot of free time are the ones that think that Harry Potter is the anti-christ. I mean, its a book! Its a story!

A lot of religions and cultures around the world believe in magic of some kind or another. Magic has been around forever and peopel have always been intrigued by it.
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Postby Gower » Wednesday 11 February 2004 9:48:34pm

Yes, I struggle to see why some people would want HP banned. It is the best series I have ever read. In fact my dad seems to have an ambivilant attitude towards the books which I have never understood, nor can I get a good answer out of him about WHY.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 16 February 2004 6:14:10pm

R people off their rocker! How can HP be seen as offensive :x
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Postby Lady Lupin » Friday 20 February 2004 6:16:06pm

If HP is offensive then i'm God!
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Postby Liquid Ice » Friday 20 February 2004 7:58:36pm

HP is never offensive! But if it is then I can think of books which are far more, His Dark Materials trilogy for a start is quite against the church!

I dont understand what our dad has against HP either (Incase anyone doesnt know gowers my brother) he takes it way too seriously its really weird.
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Postby Jotomicron » Saturday 21 February 2004 12:50:34pm

My opinion: *!@#§*... There are people who have bothing o do, have no real life, and then try to be known through the others. People say: "ah!!! Rowling uses colours also used in Satanism" or "she is against the Church" or "she's leading kids to the bad side of life".

I say: she's a genius (or whatever english word means the same for female)... She used colours that are used in the common sence, which are also used by Satanists... but I think that's a coincidence...
She is against the Curch... maybe she is! And what? I'm Catolic, but I see so many bad things in the actual Church, that I could criticize...

And she's not leading kids to the bad side of life3: she's writing a story... she's AMUSING people... she's (as I read somewhere) fulfilling the dream to have published a book...
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Postby Nobby » Thursday 26 February 2004 10:43:01am

i think that children should be educated about theories not relating to the church anyway. they should not be made to conform to government regulations if they do not believe in it.
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Postby slava » Saturday 6 March 2004 3:28:52pm

who wants to bann HP thet is the best book, film and vidio game give me just one reason to bann HP. :x
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Postby Plep » Saturday 6 March 2004 3:41:43pm

If you search hard enough. you will find something that some people might find offensive in every book...and you will have to search really,really hard to find somerhing offensive in Harry Potter.....banning these books is completely rubbish...

They should be grateful! A lot of people that never even picked up a book started reading after they read HP...
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Postby slava » Saturday 6 March 2004 3:51:25pm

im totoaly agree banning the book is rubish
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Postby Alice I » Monday 8 March 2004 3:45:17am

In today's day of politically correct this and that what do you expect? Big Brother needs to take a vacation. A very long vacation.
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Postby Avalon-Queen » Tuesday 6 April 2004 7:56:58pm

Well, what I think about this is that those people who think that HP is an anti-christ and that he can promote wizardry, are totally stupid and closed minded!
How can HP be called an anti-christ, since "he" is only a magic story in a world that doesn't even exists? HP is only a very good way for parents to keep children away from computer, TV, video games and all that things :)
J. K. Rowling and HP have been changing people's reading habits :)
Well, this is only my opinion ...
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Wednesday 7 April 2004 8:58:30pm

Avalon-Queen wrote:
J. K. Rowling and HP have been changing people's reading habits :)
Well, this is only my opinion ...

Do you know what one of my teachers (I study literature) says to such opinions? According to him, she did make kids return to books again, but what is the price for it? He's one of those who thinks the books are anti-Christian (one of the reasons is that Christmas in HP is Christmas without Christ and Halloween seems to be valued much more than Christmas) as well as a dark magic propaganda. He says it would be better if kids didn't read at all than they would read these books. And he's a well-known university professor, an expert in the field of literature for children.

Of course, I disagree with him, I see nothing bad in Harry Potter. That argument, that evil is not enough distinguished from good, is rubbish. I think JKR clearly distinguishes what's good and what's bad - we have Voldemort on one side and Dumbledore on the other. True that there's also Snape we can't be sure about, but everyone can't be perfect. And it's only cute when Harry doesn't act all nicely all the time. Besides, for the anti-Christian part, that's only good, I'm fed up with the way Church acts in my country.
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