Avalon-Queen wrote: J. K. Rowling and HP have been changing people's reading habits
Well, this is only my opinion ...
Do you know what one of my teachers (I study literature) says to such opinions? According to him, she did make kids return to books again, but
what is the price for it? He's one of those who thinks the books are anti-Christian (one of the reasons is that Christmas in HP is Christmas without Christ and Halloween seems to be valued much more than Christmas) as well as a dark magic propaganda. He says it would be better if kids didn't read at all than they would read these books. And he's a well-known university professor, an expert in the field of literature for children.
Of course, I disagree with him, I see nothing bad in Harry Potter. That argument, that evil is not enough distinguished from good, is rubbish. I think JKR clearly distinguishes what's good and what's bad - we have Voldemort on one side and Dumbledore on the other. True that there's also Snape we can't be sure about, but everyone can't be perfect. And it's only cute when Harry doesn't act all nicely all the time. Besides, for the anti-Christian part, that's only good, I'm fed up with the way Church acts in my country.