Book Banning: Harry Potter

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Postby Dutchess42 » Wednesday 27 July 2005 1:50:11pm

Nothing like being on the banned list to increase sales. :grin: :grin:

The Potter books are a hero quest when we are badly in need of a hero. There's a lot of good, practical wisdom in them - as when Dumbledore tells Harry that it's our choices that define us.

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Postby thestral » Thursday 28 July 2005 11:31:54am

Bextra wrote:its true though some people ahve killed themselves because they thought that they were living in the matrix. and a lot of teenage kids get really fat because they play all these role playing games and then dont do anything else.

yeah but these people who kill themselves after watching the matrix must have already had serious mental problems, it wasn't the film that was at fault, the problem was already there in the person's mind. like people who listen to rock music and get "shoot everyone in your school" from a song, errr the song was talking about daisies and frolicking in the sun....(probably not, but hey i'm exaggerating!). people will hear what they want from any music, film or book.

so if a person reads HP and gets, "become a stanist and follow the path of the the dark lord" from HP and starts hacking branches down and sellotaping crows feathers to a bit of wood, then there's obviously something wrong with the way their mind works and interprets things. that's the beauty/problem of literature you get whatever you want from, however if a few crazies get "burn all the christians" maybe you should examine the individuals and their circumstances rather than trying to blame a book that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world.
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Postby Dutchess42 » Thursday 4 August 2005 1:00:12am

thestral wrote: maybe you should examine the individuals and their circumstances rather than trying to blame a book that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world.

That would be the right thing. They have chosen the easy thing.
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Postby Person1 » Thursday 4 August 2005 4:04:07am

[quote="Dutchess42"]Nothing like being on the banned list to increase sales. :grin: :grin: quote]

Quite true, as the Quibbler waz banned by Umbridge, it was bought more the more you try to obviously hide something, the more people want to know.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 6 November 2005 5:58:05am

Rubbish. The books tech us about good and evil, what is right and what is wrong. If anything they are for Christ.
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Postby Dacre » Monday 7 November 2005 1:07:10pm

It's wierd - but so is fanatical religion to me. Given that evolution is taught as a theory, and Creation theory is taught as fact in some states in America, Harry Potter's banning doesn't come as a huge surprise, despite the fact I believe it's a very moral book. (Look at Harry actions + motivations)
If you are VERY religious, then you could easily see it as corrupting young childrens minds.
But then religious intolerence causes a lot of problems in the world, I just think it's easy to stand up against Harry Potter, and hard to do something useful like fight poverty / injustice.
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Postby Asphodel » Tuesday 8 November 2005 2:28:05am

Why do they try to ban Potter anyway? I mean they should know that people are still going to read it. I mean, less and less people are becoming religious due to the overwhelming fact of evolution, and no proof to creationist theories.
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Postby selene » Thursday 10 November 2005 1:20:58am

i have no idea, i mean they tried to ban spongebob squarepants (sp?) in belgium or the netherlands because they thought he was gay

dacre, i think it dependes on the religon too
i know, wiccans are distancinsing themself from hp, charmed, sabrina, ... because they believe in a different sort of magic
and others do believe a witch should burn

i do agree on the religious intolerence
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 10 November 2005 2:03:51am

This isn't a good debate though, because if you're on this forum, chances are, you don't think Potter should be banned.
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Postby selene » Thursday 10 November 2005 2:07:10am

you're probably right

so ... why do you think less and less people are becoming religious
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 10 November 2005 2:09:32am

I think it's because there's overwhelming evidence supporting the evolutionist theory, but little to none supporting the creationist theory.
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Postby selene » Thursday 10 November 2005 2:18:57am

people are more and more intrested in alternative stuff

any idea why?
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 10 November 2005 2:20:04am

Maybe because, they realize that their ways aren't always right, they want something knew, something more supported by evidence.
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Postby selene » Thursday 10 November 2005 2:29:11am

alternative stuff isn't always supported by evidence
it's usual a question of fate

more like if you don't believe it, it won't happen

and yet it holds some truths, it just takes longer to understand them
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 10 November 2005 3:59:53am

A lot of people were brought up to close their mind to everything. I wasn't. Taking the example of the creationist/evolutionist theory, I looked at the two theorys, and evolutionist made most sense. I shouldn't be posting this though, it's getting way off topic.
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