a poem by me

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a poem by me

Postby dark wizard » Sunday 30 July 2006 9:30:35pm

flying to the moon and stars

you take my hand in yours
as benieth the stars we lay
i take your hand in mine
and together we fly away.

love sourounds us
as we float into the night sky
the stars sparkle brightly
on and on we fly.

you introduce me to the joy of love
as we sit upon the moon this night
your every feature radiates beauty
as i hold you o so tight.

together we fly to the moon and stars
we race to see who can reach the sun
till we collaps exauster upo a star
our hearts beating forever faster.

i am blessed to fly with you this night
i would do anything to make it last
just give me one more kiss
a kiss that will forever last.


what do you's think bout it? :P
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dark wizard
Third Year Student in Witchcraft and Wizardry
Posts: 40
Joined: Sunday 30 July 2006 12:48:28pm
Location: australia

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