Cool book idea.

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Cool book idea.

Postby Goober » Saturday 22 April 2006 2:48:00am

I had an idea for a book.. Somehow, about 95% of the worlds populations is killed, probably nuclear warfare or something, a pandemic, dunno. The remaining few, are of course, spread out all over the world. They have to rebuild, starting from primitive huts all the way up to where we are today, again. It would be the world, with a whole new history, new names for countries, new presidents, and it would be REALLY REALLY long. I'll probably write something whenever I get bored. :-)

What do you guys think of this?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 23 April 2006 4:41:21am

All depends on your characters really. Considering it's probably an idea that might have been thought of before, if you can do it justice right then it could be really good.
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 23 April 2006 4:01:33pm

It's good, thats why it gets done so often...I mean with various endings...the one that springs to mind at the moment is Terry Brooks stuff, his world starts out as a world of faery but then humans breed faster and quickly take over becoming highly advanced in the ways of science causing huge nuclear civil war which destroys everything, out of the mess new races being elves from the time of faery but the rest (trolls, gnomes, dwarves and humans) all evolved from the humans that survived.

You'd have to really think hard to come up with something interesting and good and different if you wanted to write a book like that because its been done so many times before...
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 23 April 2006 4:02:33pm

evolve not involve....silly me....I'd be useless at writing books wouldn't
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Postby *Riley* » Saturday 29 March 2008 4:35:20am

Sounds like the movie I Am Legend
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Re: Cool book idea.

Postby Obladi3713 » Sunday 10 August 2008 7:59:56am

It does seem sort of overused. For good reason, because it is a good idea, but it is unoriginal. You could try to add something else in to make it stand out from others, not just the characters. Still, give it a go, I'm sure you'll do great. :)
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