by Amon Rê » Thursday 25 March 2004 10:10:40pm
Here are two, one is in the style I usually write (broken hearts, depression, you know the stuff) and the other I wrote yesterday, about can read and find out...
Teardrops of the Soul
There she is, the one I want but still can’t have
I see her, I feel her, and I know her,
But I still can’t have her.
It’s not love, or lust.
I want to see her; I want her to see me.
I need her to know that I am here and alive.
When she looks my way, I turn away.
I cannot meet her eyes, so powerful, mysterious, entrancing.
Who am I to earn her attention?
All I can do is talk; all I can do is listen,
No matter, it’s always about someone else.
My teardrops of the soul cascade.
I am not hiding, I just don’t expose,
What goes on inside, is only for me.
My tears, my fears, my soul,
No one knows who I am.
Blind Man Walking
I once saw a blind man walking,
It was a crowded and busy place.
Hundreds of people were laughing and talking.
He wasn’t moving at a very fast pace.
An angel came and whispered in his ear,
What I know not, but a smile appeared.
She took him by the arm and led him away,
an aiding hand in a chaotic mass.
I will never forget that cool March day,
No matter how many years pass.
Her kindness and her grace,
were written in the emotion on his face.