Poetry Corner

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Poetry Corner

Postby Amon Rê » Saturday 13 March 2004 6:34:23am

WELL...I didn't see where anyone had started a poetry section and I concentrate mainly in poetry...and the title does say Other Fan Fiction and Writing. So here goes...I don't really know which to post, I've got so many, I'll pick a not-to-depressing and a not-to-mushy one :-D
Through the sadness,
Through the love.
Only one time,
Nothing to lose.
Sooner or later,
It happens.
You don't find what you want,
You lose everything you love,
You find that one person,
They don't want you,
It happens, they love you.
Life goes on, you live.
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 24 March 2004 3:33:45pm

Thats really good amon! :grin:
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 24 March 2004 3:37:55pm

I saw this section and wrote this in 2 mins flat.

Finding Me

Moving and dodging among the trees,
Trying to seek from from what they can see.
They look and they stare,
But they get nowhere,
Trying to find little old me.

What do you all think?
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Postby Alice I » Wednesday 24 March 2004 4:15:02pm

Very cool Nobby and in two minutes flat!! :lol:

Amon I like your poem It seems to cover some time.
post another.
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 24 March 2004 5:07:05pm

Thanks, guys...I wrote this a long time ago, it didn't take long at all, I've got one for each of the four elements...


You learn at a young age never to touch it.
But its beauty and danger have a mystical sense.
What of the first, who came from its ashes?
There is something inside of it, look into the center.
There are children, laughing; dancing; playing.
They are not burning, they are the fire,
Its soul and body, its heart and desire.
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Amon Rê
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 24 March 2004 5:14:04pm


thats great Amon! :grin:
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 24 March 2004 5:17:12pm

Thanks, I want to get a book published eventually, I've been in two anthologies, but I want my own book ya know...so I save all the ones I write :-D
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 24 March 2004 5:22:25pm

my friend is really good at writing poetry he's got some anthologies too and has had an offer to publish! he wont though! i borrow some of his work and post it here!
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Postby Amon Rê » Thursday 25 March 2004 10:10:40pm

Here are two, one is in the style I usually write (broken hearts, depression, you know the stuff) and the other I wrote yesterday, about well...you can read and find out...

Teardrops of the Soul

There she is, the one I want but still can’t have
I see her, I feel her, and I know her,
But I still can’t have her.

It’s not love, or lust.
I want to see her; I want her to see me.
I need her to know that I am here and alive.

When she looks my way, I turn away.
I cannot meet her eyes, so powerful, mysterious, entrancing.
Who am I to earn her attention?

All I can do is talk; all I can do is listen,
No matter, it’s always about someone else.
My teardrops of the soul cascade.

I am not hiding, I just don’t expose,
What goes on inside, is only for me.
My tears, my fears, my soul,
No one knows who I am.

Blind Man Walking

I once saw a blind man walking,
It was a crowded and busy place.
Hundreds of people were laughing and talking.
He wasn’t moving at a very fast pace.
An angel came and whispered in his ear,
What I know not, but a smile appeared.

She took him by the arm and led him away,
an aiding hand in a chaotic mass.
I will never forget that cool March day,
No matter how many years pass.
Her kindness and her grace,
were written in the emotion on his face.
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Postby Amon Rê » Thursday 25 March 2004 10:11:34pm

Nobby, I liked yours, some of the best poems (including songs) ever written were written in the span of like 5 minutes. It's amazing what your mind can come up with when you actually decide to do something...
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Postby Alice I » Saturday 27 March 2004 6:45:49am

Amon Rê wrote:Blind Man Walking

I once saw a blind man walking,
It was a crowded and busy place.
Hundreds of people were laughing and talking.
He wasn’t moving at a very fast pace.
An angel came and whispered in his ear,
What I know not, but a smile appeared.

She took him by the arm and led him away,
an aiding hand in a chaotic mass.
I will never forget that cool March day,
No matter how many years pass.
Her kindness and her grace,
were written in the emotion on his face.

That was wonderful Amon. Short but powerful.
Did the blind man die?
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Postby Amon Rê » Saturday 27 March 2004 7:18:53am

OH NO, it really happened just like I said, except that it was a blonde girl who helped him to the library, and it made an impact on me. Like she actually walked up to him in a really crowded area and said something (I said it was a whisper cause I was so far away) and then she offered to walk him to the library and they walked off arm in arm talking...it was so sweet....

For some reason I always remove something real and put in something else that's real or something fantastical in what I write, like the angle...
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Postby Amon Rê » Saturday 27 March 2004 7:21:08am

That last word was supposed to be ANGEL...and I forgot the most important thing...Thanks... I know it's not poetry but read this and it'll explain why it didn't even cross my mine (the thanks part)...I just get so flustered :-D

I just write this stuff for myself, and it's kinda weird when people tell me they like it, it's like wow, I just did it for myself I guess I'm embarrassed because I don't expect other people to like it you know, so if I sound ungrateful or unthankful, I'm anything but . I'm just so flustered that other people like it that I don't know how to respond.
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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 30 March 2004 5:25:34am

Amon Rê wrote:Thanks, guys...I wrote this a long time ago, it didn't take long at all, I've got one for each of the four elements...


You learn at a young age never to touch it.
But its beauty and danger have a mystical sense.
What of the first, who came from its ashes?
There is something inside of it, look into the center.
There are children, laughing; dancing; playing.
They are not burning, they are the fire,
Its soul and body, its heart and desire.

This post was back a bit but maybe you could put all of the elements together into verses of one larger work?

If you have four elements maybe you could also do the four seasons too. Then you could do a piece like

1st verse Fire
2nd verse Summer
3rd verse Wind
4th verse Fall

you get?

Just a thought. :grin:
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Postby Amon Rê » Tuesday 30 March 2004 6:48:28am

That does make sense...I don't usually do longer poems, I've a couple but not to many. I've one that is a parallel of Chaucer's Canterburry Tales...I love it :-D After that I would say I don't have too many longer ones, but I might try something like that...I've never written to much on the seasons though....
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