an YYHxinu crossover fanfic

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an YYHxinu crossover fanfic

Postby KagomeMIKO » Sunday 8 February 2004 12:39:03am


The Nightmare that will not be forgotten and a father found

*kagome as a small child*
black surrounded her a faint voice called “Kagome” it was a small boys voice “who r u where r u” Kagome called out then she saw the boy he was not an ordinary boy he had white hair and dog ears and golden eyes. He looked at kagome and called her name then some other girl appeared she looked like kagome only had a red and white kimono on. They boy said “kikyo” the girl shot the little boy with and arrow. “NO”screamed kagome and ran up to the little boy. “pleased don’t die” kagome said” the little boy said “remember” then he went limp. Kagome started to cry she felt the little boy as her only friend. Kikyo just laughed and aimed the bow and arrow at her “if u feel that way towards him u shall join him “hahhahahahha” kagome started to sob and kikyo let the arrow go then it went black. Kagome woke up and was crying she ran to her mom and told her what she had just dreamed.

10 years later

“Kagome.. hunney wake up your going to be late for your school” kagomes mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Kagome still didn’t get up she just rolled over and pulled her covers over her head untill she relized the time she jumped out of bed “OH KAMI IM GOING TO BE LATE” she could be herd from downstairs running around. She quikly took a shower and got dressed in her old green uniform. She then looked at the clock and red the time “6:00 hey wait MY SCHOOL DOST START UNTILL 8:00… MOM” she stomped down stairs and into the kitsion were her mom was at. “MOM u woke me up 2 hours early it only takes 5 minuts walking slowly to get to my school”. “oh ya I forggot to tell you hunny u were transferd into another school” kagomes mom said. “its about a 20 minute walk from here and it starts at 6:30 and its 6:10 right now” kagome “WHAT oh kami im realy going to be late” quickly grabs her breif case and runs out side and starts running down the shrine steps untill she triped and started falling down the the stairs she hit the ground with a thud and cut her knee pretty bad but she didn’t notice and got up and kept running towards her new school.
Kurama was walking to his school dreading all the fan clubs that awaited him at school he sighd just at the thought. His gazed wonderd across the street to see the shrine and he saw a frantic girl running down the steps he also saw her fall he was about to go over and help her but she got up and kept running he thought *I hope that girl is alright she seemed frantic about somthing* he quickly brushed off that thought and kept walking to his school.
She kept running towards her knew school she got there just in time. She looked around and saw all the girls in red uniforms kinda like hers and all the boys in pink uniforms and she thought *well that’s weird pink uniforms how can any of the boys stand wereing pink* she also looked down at her self to see a cut healing rapidly on her knee and it soon dissappeared *well that was weird but every things weird when you r a time travling miko.* She soon walked into the office were she would get her skedual. she saw a lady that was sitting at the front desk and the lady siad “hello may I ask who you are” kagome “yeah im a new transfer student my name is Kagome Hingerashi” lady “ahh yes kagome nice to meet you heres your skedual and ill get one of the students to show you around” she smiled at kagome. “thank you” kagome replied and took the papers and waited for the student outside of the office she soon herd “Kurama Mionmino please report to the head office”
“Kurama Mionmino please report to the head office” he sighed and got up out of class and walked ingnoring the questioning glances he was getting. He walked to the office and walked pass a raven blacke haired girl with butifull blue eyes with specks of green in them *hmm that was the girl from this morning.. nevermind min as well see what they want*
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Postby choki » Monday 8 March 2004 3:54:55pm

Nice story, but there seems to be a few missing punctuations.
I do hope you continue with your story
But what is YYHxinu???
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