Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 16 May 2009 4:03:53am

This poem is so true!

We are always stopping what we want to do because it costs money. And so true that things can change to catastrophic in the blink of an eye. I like what you said too about an enigma in the dark. Something huge could be eventuating (like a fortress) and people are often too blind to see it. They refuse to invest in what is necessary to understand it. Then when it hits, it's like a shot in the dark, and no one can explain it because they were too busy thinking this day wouldn't arrive.

(I liken this to global warming, war, resources running out, smoking and causes of cancer.. etc)

Good work, once again. Good fun to interpret! :)
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 16 May 2009 11:54:22pm

Wow, Distortia, your so good at interpretation! You get more of my poems than I do!
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 18 May 2009 5:15:55am

Lol! that's the fun of studying English Literature! There's never a right answer, as long as you can show how you interpret it! Although, it's important to check the history of something too.. the circumstances the time period it was written in, whether the person has siblings, is married, or single, or young or old or .... so many things to consider! I was simply drawing on the current environmental and political issues, and the fact that perhaps in English you felt triggered by them.

I enjoy interpretation very much! :) So many ppl are very superficial with how they look at things. (as in, very surface area instead of deeper meaning.)
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 19 May 2009 12:45:05am

I quite agree! Too often people aren't willing to read between the lines! I find it so fascinating, to ponder different venues of thought as spurred by a certain text or poem! There are certain pieces of writing I just come back to again and again, finding new meanings each time I read it.
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 19 May 2009 2:14:07pm

I'm so excited because I just found out Stephenie Meyer (Twilght novelist) is a mormon! (A member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints) just like me! And further, she writes her values into her work too. It was so funny because as I read it I thought, how sweet and old fashioned Edward was, and how strong were his values. Now I have a whole other spin on it all because Stephenie admits that her values flow over into her writing. I'm now rolling it around in my head remembering passages and so on that make so much sense now, and are so much deeper than people realise!

The same thing goes for Narnia, where there are deeper meanings. C.S. Lewis even wrote a book about Christianity, just to drive the idea forward anyway! (To confirm that much of what he was writing about has religious ... conintations? is that the right spelling??)

hmm... sorry for being so deep. My point is, it is important to make some interpretations, but to also consider the context it was written in, who the person was who wrote it and so on. The absolute JOY of English Literature, which I hightly recomment as a subject to take in Highschool... Brilliant! (As long as you have a motivated and inspriing teacher! lol)

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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Wednesday 20 May 2009 12:51:27am

I can't wait to take writing classes when I get to high school, I really want to go beyond the average English class. (my current LA teacher's a bit..... different. I haven't been learning much.)
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 20 May 2009 5:14:29pm

I suggest that you don't depend on your teachers to give you a true feel for writing. They are sticking ot a curriculum/syllabus and can only do so much... if they can be bothered they might even make it interesting! (We can only hope.. some teachers have lost the love!)

So I suggest checking out your favourite author's websites and looking for suggestions on how to write, for a start. Or just checking out websites and looking for ways to write certain styles of texts. Look for competions too, and volunteer your time to write in journals and newletters and newspapers for practice....

And I reckon it is definately worth doing a Bachelor of Arts - English with a minor in Creative Writing and then get a diploma of education and teach highschool english/ english literature.. or just be an academic who is constantly writing and interpreting and maybe even lecturing at universities.... either way, good jobs to keep your head full of writing opportunities and ideas.

(hmmm ... it's midnight.. feeling a bit flat.... lol! )
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby DucksRMagical » Wednesday 20 May 2009 10:44:03pm

You'll have another 3 years of boring English classes in school. The first 3 years of high school English just prepare you to take the 2 day long Regents exam at the end of 11th grade. Then in your senior year you get to choose fun classes to take.

At my college, you can major in Creative Writing. You major in English and then just take the Creative Writing route instead of the Literature route. I'm minoring in English and taking all the Creative Writing classes so I'm pretty much minoring in Creative Writing.
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 21 May 2009 8:24:46am

omg! that was my dream! I think we've chatted about this b4 too.... lol! I will still persue my creative writing needs.. just as a hobby more than a career. But if it stems into something more.. than it will be a pleasant surprise.
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 21 May 2009 8:47:51am

omg! that was my dream! I think we've chatted about this b4 too.... lol! I will still persue my creative writing needs.. just as a hobby more than a career. But if it stems into something more.. than it will be a pleasant surprise. :)
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Re: Poetry by FawkesthePhoenix

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 31 January 2010 10:29:21pm

Has it really been more than half a year? It seems like I just posted yesterday. Anyways, here are a few more poems, separated by ***s


What if I'm not what you wanted?
You worked so hard and now I'm broke
What if I'm not what you dreamed of?
Lying alone, shattered from one stroke

What if I'm not who you thought of?
An illusion that's burning the book
What if I'm not who you fought for?
Huddled alone, battered when I'm shook

What if I'm not where you left me?
I won't always answer your call
What if I'm not on the wavelength?
You cannot keep watch on them all

What if I'm not what you wanted?
I won't always answer your call
What if I'm not what you wanted?
Comets eternally fall


How can I say what needs to be said
"I haven't the words! Haven't the time!"
To say all that I feel

I've always walked where you have lead
"It wasn't I! Who committed the crime?"
It wasn't theft, though they did steal

It's like a sparsely furnished room
"How do you know? Where have you gone?"
It makes me dry my eyes

Confusion lurks even in gloom
"Why say such things? Pray tell, what's wrong?"
What isn't wrong? You'd be surprised.

It's not like love, which conquers all
“What's not like what? Why are you not clear?”
But something less and more

It's not like hate, it doesn't call
“Are you afraid? What do you fear?”
Losing sight of the shore

More like indifference, the lack of care
“Then why explain? Why all the trouble?”
But knowing that I should

Result of when, caught unaware
“What have you lost, what's left in rubble?”
My sight caught in a hood

Chaos makes the nicest dance
“Would you do it, if given the chance?”
I'd like you to think you would



By storm we'll take the world, you said
Our lives were intertwined
A fortune made within the week
Two weeks, in a bind
To spin such tales
But more that I believed
Every spoon-fed, cloying lie
I rejoiced! I should have grieved
For the palace is made of cardboard,
And rats live in the walls
I doubt that this is what you meant
When you said you'd be king
Of all!
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