by FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 31 January 2010 10:29:21pm
Has it really been more than half a year? It seems like I just posted yesterday. Anyways, here are a few more poems, separated by ***s
What if I'm not what you wanted?
You worked so hard and now I'm broke
What if I'm not what you dreamed of?
Lying alone, shattered from one stroke
What if I'm not who you thought of?
An illusion that's burning the book
What if I'm not who you fought for?
Huddled alone, battered when I'm shook
What if I'm not where you left me?
I won't always answer your call
What if I'm not on the wavelength?
You cannot keep watch on them all
What if I'm not what you wanted?
I won't always answer your call
What if I'm not what you wanted?
Comets eternally fall
How can I say what needs to be said
"I haven't the words! Haven't the time!"
To say all that I feel
I've always walked where you have lead
"It wasn't I! Who committed the crime?"
It wasn't theft, though they did steal
It's like a sparsely furnished room
"How do you know? Where have you gone?"
It makes me dry my eyes
Confusion lurks even in gloom
"Why say such things? Pray tell, what's wrong?"
What isn't wrong? You'd be surprised.
It's not like love, which conquers all
“What's not like what? Why are you not clear?”
But something less and more
It's not like hate, it doesn't call
“Are you afraid? What do you fear?”
Losing sight of the shore
More like indifference, the lack of care
“Then why explain? Why all the trouble?”
But knowing that I should
Result of when, caught unaware
“What have you lost, what's left in rubble?”
My sight caught in a hood
Chaos makes the nicest dance
“Would you do it, if given the chance?”
I'd like you to think you would
By storm we'll take the world, you said
Our lives were intertwined
A fortune made within the week
Two weeks, in a bind
To spin such tales
But more that I believed
Every spoon-fed, cloying lie
I rejoiced! I should have grieved
For the palace is made of cardboard,
And rats live in the walls
I doubt that this is what you meant
When you said you'd be king
Of all!