Try your skills at writing. A place for any non-Harry Potter fan fiction or writing of your own. Write your own original fan fics or even a completely original story here.
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by Alice I » Tuesday 30 March 2004 12:02:06pm
I don't know if you like classical; but Vivaldi's Four Seasons is an excellent piece of music and might give you some
seasonal inspiration.


Alice I
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by Amon Rê » Tuesday 30 March 2004 1:05:34pm
Yes, I know the pieces very well. I played both Spring and Fall in HS orchestra

I was also tested on the piecesin my Humanities class....

Amon Rê
- Dreamer of Dreams, Registered Animagus (Snow Owl) and Ambassador from the Isle of Dreams
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by Alice I » Tuesday 30 March 2004 1:47:03pm
What instrument do you play?
I'll look forward to what ever you come up with.
Maybe I'll dig out some of my old stuff and post a thread in this area too


Alice I
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by Amon Rê » Tuesday 30 March 2004 2:00:09pm
The first time I played it, I believe I was still playing the violin. The most recent time I was playing the double bass.

Amon Rê
- Dreamer of Dreams, Registered Animagus (Snow Owl) and Ambassador from the Isle of Dreams
- Posts: 413
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