Forward or Back?

Try your skills at writing. A place for any non-Harry Potter fan fiction or writing of your own. Write your own original fan fics or even a completely original story here.

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Forward or Back?

Postby Simatra » Friday 30 November 2007 3:12:35am

Is it possible to go forward?
Is it possible to go back?

Everything is so different.

Is time moving on?
Is time backing up?

I can’t tell.

Are you still there?
Did you leave?

I’m blind.

How can I move on?
How could I change the past?

I never wanted this to happen.

Is everything that bad?
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 2 December 2007 5:30:43am

very good! *claps*
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Postby Simatra » Friday 7 December 2007 8:18:37pm

Thank you! I don't write poetry a lot, i have to be in the mood in order to write it. Otherwise it's about as meaning as....:
This is Spotty.
He is a Leopard.
He is a Leopard on B&O.
He can be a pain in the butt.
The End.
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