What if Remus...

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What if Remus...

Postby Un'Anima Persa » Saturday 2 July 2005 12:32:59am

What if...

In the third book when sirius and Remus are both in their other forms, figting, what if Remus accidentally bit Sirius?! What would have happened and how would it have changed the 4th and 5th books? Would he still be dead?
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Postby Nikki » Saturday 2 July 2005 1:18:16pm

hmm.....that is quite a question, hmm.....he still might be cuz he would turn into a werewolf in moonlight, and Lupin didn't that night, so maybe he still would
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 3 July 2005 10:44:58pm

yea, he might still have died... but what effect would it have had on his place in the order? I dont think it woyuld change that much coz ppl already thought he was a killer... if anyone found out, he would probably be even more wanted than he was
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Postby Nikki » Monday 4 July 2005 12:33:26am

Yeah, i bet you'd even get 1000 gals if u found him, ya know?
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Monday 11 July 2005 1:59:51am

er... i guess...

but then like it might have affected the relationship he had with harry, because he could be more... secluded...or withdrawn because of his new condition
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 11 July 2005 2:03:31am

I don't think I would of enjoyed the 3rd book as much If Sirius had been bitten...
Also I don't think the storyline would work as well because having 2 werewolves in a story makes it sorta dull...
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Monday 11 July 2005 2:05:20am

too true... too true...
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Postby Nightcrawler » Tuesday 12 July 2005 6:02:31pm

I got the impression that lycanthropy can only be passed on if the "victim" is human. I see it as a disease that only affects humans. If a werewolf bit, say... an ordinary dog, I don't think that we would get a dog that turns into a wolf once a month, I think that it would just remain a dog. I think this is pretty plausable considering we never see any other wereanimals. So I think that Padfoot was immune to werewolf bites, so long as he was in animal form.

And if a dog and a wolf were fighting one another, it's almost certain that they would exchange bites and scratches, so I just assumed that is what happened.
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Postby thestral » Wednesday 13 July 2005 12:09:37pm

exactly what i was going to say nightcrawler! :grin:

that was the reason the marauders becaome animagus, lupin said he was no threat to animals. can't be bothered to find the quote but he says it in POA.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Wednesday 13 July 2005 8:36:41pm

Thanks Guys! I guess I never thought about the fact that nothing would happen, lol :GRIN:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Wednesday 13 July 2005 8:37:07pm

:grin:* lol hehe
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