WHAT IF a few smart Muggles figured out that there is magic?

What would have happened if The Sorting Hat had insisted on sorting Harry into Slytherin? Or what if Harry had become friends with Draco Malfoy instead of Ron during their first journey on the Hogwarts Express? Wander into alternative Harry Potter universes here.

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WHAT IF a few smart Muggles figured out that there is magic?

Postby zledm007 » Saturday 16 August 2003 5:01:16am

this is an idea that hank a k c came up w/ in a discussion the two of us were having about the forum. i thought it was very interestin and promptly posted it here. so, what do you guys think. what if the muggles knew? how would this change not only the muggle world, but the wizarding world as well? would the muggles somehow be able to aid the wazards in the fight against voldemort or would they just be bigger tagets for him? could muggles and wizards be able to coexist, the muggles knowing that the wizards have powers they could only dream of? i could go on and on with different questions, but i'll leave it to you. what do you think?
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 16 August 2003 1:56:18pm

Maybe. The Wizzarding community is very traditional. there appearence is like from the 1700s, like the leaky cauldren, and quills and ink. Maybe the Muggles could do some high-tech thingy and eliminate him...well maybe not. That would take the fun of the book, but it could happen. But then Voldie could use the imperious curse and control the muggles to do his dirty work, wait this is getting out of topic, i should end it there before my mind wanders off.
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Postby zledm007 » Saturday 16 August 2003 3:32:40pm

no, thats what the section is all about, brainstorming all kinds of different ideas and writing a new story. good thoughts marcus!
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Postby gecko » Saturday 16 August 2003 4:58:57pm

I guess some members of the MoM would come in and perform some memory-charms, don't you think? It's what they did when Pettigrew blew up the street in front of so many muggles, it's what they'll do then..

A problem would be if the muggles we're talking about have ways to get the whole world to know it in a short time.. dunno what would happen then. Either they'd be scared of wizards like most muggles always have been, or they could work together to get the benefits of either society..
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Postby Devinci » Saturday 16 August 2003 6:36:42pm

I always wondered how some, select muggles didn't find out. Seriously. It has to be realy hell trying to conceal an entire society...I'm sure someone must have slipped up somewhere. ANd to use a memory spell on someone, you'd have to see them. What if the muggle were, smarter than given credit for, and actually hid...*profound music* I mean, I think it's a possibility. Enough reason for me to go sneaking around in London going into all the shady looking shops......

maybe it's just me... :-?
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Sunday 17 August 2003 7:07:08pm

people like the dursleys (not that they are the smartest of muggles :lol: ) and the grangers know about the wizarding world but don't tell anybody (each for their own reasons), so obviousley some muggles already know.
but if everybody knew, as is said at the begining of PS, they might try to use magicians and their powers to do things they can't even with technology and it seems like magicians would get annoyed with that. Also if it became of common awareness, people like the dursleys might group in weird assemblies to plot the destruction of the whole wizarding community :evil:. I also think that both worlds could cooperate since magicians are no good at logics and muggles are no good at magic.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 18 August 2003 7:18:18pm

Seriously, there are people out there who believe in magic and sum and substance, and what does the rest of the world call them? Loonatics! If Mr. Granger started raving about his daughter's score on a Transfiguration exam, the whole dentist office would think him to be mad. Magic has been so tied to Satanism by frightened and ignorant people of older times, people too narrow minded to see anything other than fire and brimstone, that the world has either prosectuted it or downplayed it as nonsense. People are a mad panicky cows...we can't handle shocking things out the ordinary. If suddenly people started coming up about wizards and magic schools, flying cars, secret chambers, and house elves, I'm pretty sure modern society would shun them. Look how "witchcraft" was treated in the Dark Ages and in colonial America...it was used as a social weapon, to get rid of enemies and gain property. I am pretty sure even if some one were to find out about the Wizard World, they would either be keeping mum or being tied up in a white straight jacket as we speak...

However, if muggles were to accept the fact that magic exists, I am sure they would be lining right up to have magical fixes for all their woes...look how people look to "astrologers" for help or "herbal cures" they are looking for a new way to fix an age old problem.

As for helping get rid of Voldemort, it would be an advantage because Muggles have many "powers" that Wizards have not...muggles lack magic, so they use their brains to create new "magic". I am betting a muggle/wizard scene in helping to defeat the DE will work, since, DE prolly never took Muggle Studies in school they have no idea the powers Muggles have.
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Monday 18 August 2003 7:58:16pm

Meg Boyd wrote:Seriously, there are people out there who believe in magic and sum and substance, and what does the rest of the world call them? Loonatics! If Mr. Granger started raving about his daughter's score on a Transfiguration exam, the whole dentist office would think him to be mad. Magic has been so tied to Satanism by frightened and ignorant people of older times, people too narrow minded to see anything other than fire and brimstone, that the world has either prosectuted it or downplayed it as nonsense. People are a mad panicky cows...we can't handle shocking things out the ordinary. If suddenly people started coming up about wizards and magic schools, flying cars, secret chambers, and house elves, I'm pretty sure modern society would shun them. Look how "witchcraft" was treated in the Dark Ages and in colonial America...it was used as a social weapon, to get rid of enemies and gain property. I am pretty sure even if some one were to find out about the Wizard World, they would either be keeping mum or being tied up in a white straight jacket as we speak...

WoW ... well err ... yes I agree, but I think we were all considering that global proof of their existence had been shown to everyone, and that the "surprise and doubt" period was over, but anyway, I really like what you said !
muggles think, but there are some things that you can't do w/out magic, like breaking something made unbreakable by magic, or picking a magically sealed lock ... I believe that muggles would be powerless face to face with a powerful magician, even fully equiped. but don't misread me, muggles might be able to trap a powerful magician due to his lack of logic.
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Postby Tuima » Monday 18 August 2003 11:53:11pm

I think it would be good for both communities to come in contact, I mean, really, what's the point of quills and torches and parchment when you could have ballpoint pens and clear light and lined paper? Of course, it would ruin the picturesque, but really... I mean, wizards have cars, right? And radios? So why not take advantage of other muggle inventions? Why not listen to muggle music? I suppose it's more prejudice...(sigh)
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 19 August 2003 1:35:02am

It seems as the kids (Harry's generation) have had more experiences with the muggle world, since a large portion is half and half or muggle-born. It would be to the wizard's advantage to use some of the muggle's inventions (even simpler ones mentioned above, who doesn't love lined paper??? It keeps your themes nice and tidy!) If both the wizards could get over the fact that muggles have their own brand of magic "technology" and muggles get over the fact that wizards can be some what normal and good people, they could truly be unstoppable!!!! If everyone wizard was like Mr. Weasley and every muggle like Hermione's parents, things could be very simple!
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Postby Nacht » Tuesday 19 August 2003 11:32:47pm

Meg Boyd wrote:Seriously, there are people out there who believe in magic and sum and substance, and what does the rest of the world call them? Loonatics! If Mr. Granger started raving about his daughter's score on a Transfiguration exam, the whole dentist office would think him to be mad. Magic has been so tied to Satanism by frightened and ignorant people of older times, people too narrow minded to see anything other than fire and brimstone, that the world has either prosectuted it or downplayed it as nonsense. People are a mad panicky cows...

You sound so serious... do you believe in magic in the real world? I so, i'm afraid i'm just a mad panicing cow to you :(
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 20 August 2003 1:03:53am

I don't know I a believe in the magical world or not, seriously if it is a such a big cover up like it is in JKR's books or in Men In Black, who knows it is a possiblity...I mean I am kid, and kids love to believe in magic, why not??? What have kids got to lose?

And you aren't a panicky mad cow...those are the type who run around like a chicken with their heads cut off at the very sign of anything out of the norm...much like the medieval witch hunters...trust me if you belong to BaO, you aren't a "mad cow"...

don't take me too seriously here kiddos...
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Wednesday 20 August 2003 4:54:39pm

lol panicking cows ! :lol:
anyway, I would want to believe in magic, but i am a scientific sort of person, got to have proof ! But I love the peotry that lies in magic, like when Tolkienn says that the magic that he talks about is our art taken to a higher level (if I remember well, it was in a letter to his editor at the beginning of the silmarilion) :grin:
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Postby zledm007 » Wednesday 20 August 2003 4:59:07pm

you know, i almost have to believe that it's possible. if it actually exists, right now, i don't know. like Ju as soon as i see proof of it, then i'll believe it. but i like the Matilda theory, that we only use a small portion of our brain and if we could learn to harness the greater percentage that we don't use that we could do, well, magical things. someday, someday...
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Wednesday 20 August 2003 5:17:44pm

that would be great, it would mean that there would be no division, that everyone is able to do magic, no muggles/magicians, just "normal" people
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