What would have happened if The Sorting Hat had insisted on sorting Harry into Slytherin? Or what if Harry had become friends with Draco Malfoy instead of Ron during their first journey on the Hogwarts Express? Wander into alternative Harry Potter universes here.
Moderators: Run Away!!!, Un'Anima Persa, *Riley*
by Hagrid's girl » Wednesday 31 May 2006 3:30:16pm
How would things be now
Hagrid's girl
- Second Year
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by draconeedsahug » Tuesday 27 June 2006 2:06:25pm
Harry wouldn't be so angry and could probably see things more focussed...
- Third Year Student in Witchcraft and Wizardry
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- Location: Hovering outside the Slytherin Common Room trying to get a glimpse of Draco
by mandynyuna » Tuesday 5 September 2006 3:17:31am
Actually, I think that Sirius's dying helped to make Harry more mature and know that he can only rely on himself and not others anymore. I hope I don't sound mean but maybe Sirius's death was not a bad thing for Harry.
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by Simatra » Friday 20 October 2006 8:16:53pm
That's not the point though... Well if Sirius hadn't died I'd be alot happier w/ JKR.

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