by Mrs. Luca Black » Tuesday 16 August 2005 7:28:01pm
Uh, this makes no sense at all.
1. Dumbledore did not choose who fulfilled the prophesy, Voldemort did by choosing Harry.
2. If Voldemort had gone after Neville, it's likely he would have killed him because it's not likley that he would have given Alice the same chance to save herself (Lily has some major importance there and I want to know why.)
3. If Lily had not sacrificed herself for Harry, then Voldemort would still be in power because the curse would not have backfired on him and ripped him from his body.
4. Harry would not have been brought to the graveyard for the blood if his mother had not given her life for him. Any wizard could have been used.
Those are just the blaring inaccuracies, there's more but they're too many to mention.
Sorry if I'm coming off as rude, by the way.