
What would have happened if The Sorting Hat had insisted on sorting Harry into Slytherin? Or what if Harry had become friends with Draco Malfoy instead of Ron during their first journey on the Hogwarts Express? Wander into alternative Harry Potter universes here.

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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 17 June 2005 4:01:34pm

what if voldemort, in the sixth book, just died of old age? I would laugh, but prolly get really mad too. then, harry and dd and everyone would just have his followers to defea, and it might be a lot easier, but do you think they could do it? who would be next in line to take his place? would they argue over it and kill each other instead?
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 17 June 2005 11:31:10pm

Hehe, good ideas...lol!!!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 18 June 2005 4:10:52am

Yeah, that's something I'd defffinitely bet my money on happening lol!!! :grin: :grin:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 18 June 2005 8:56:08pm

Nah, Voldie's too young to die of old age. I bet, in book 7, they're all preparing for the great battle, and then Voldemort slips in the shower and breaks hie neck. The name of the book will be 'Harry Potter and the Big Bad Anticlimax'.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 19 June 2005 1:25:30am

ha! thatys good! but does he shower?

or maybe the mutant fuzzy bunny slippers will eat him
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 19 June 2005 8:10:06am

Yeah it'd be funny if JKR just got really tired one day and said to herself:
"This is boring." And just finished the book off in the middle of a sentence, "and they all lived happily ever after."
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Postby thestral » Sunday 19 June 2005 11:35:45am

i'm sure she's probably considered that like 20 times over :grin: :lol:
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