What if...Harry had known about the prophecy earlier?

What would have happened if The Sorting Hat had insisted on sorting Harry into Slytherin? Or what if Harry had become friends with Draco Malfoy instead of Ron during their first journey on the Hogwarts Express? Wander into alternative Harry Potter universes here.

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What if...Harry had known about the prophecy earlier?

Postby Ginny Potter » Monday 30 May 2005 4:56:59am

Like...when he asked Dumbledore at the end of his first year? Or certainly before he began the Tri-Wizard Tournament?

I wonder, would Harry have done things differently? Would he have taken less risks? Felt more isolated? Would he have become a different person by book 5?

I'm not sure what the outcome would have been for this one...what are your thoughts?
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Postby Heidi_hoho » Monday 30 May 2005 6:19:49pm

I don't think that he would have done anything differently, really. Most of the stuff that happened to him was sorta put on him but not by his choice. Sirius might still be alive, but other than that, I don't think all that much would be different.I think that his attitude would probably be the attitude that he's going to have during HBP.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 31 May 2005 9:55:26am

Even if he'd told him at the end of PS/SS most of the events in CoS, well... basically all... would've still happened. He couldn't really prevent them. PoA didn't really have anyhting to do with LV, except that Harry would've let Sirius and Lupin kill Wormtail for sure... But that means LV wouldn't have risen again....... So none of the events in the future books involving LV would've happened like that. It might've taken him ages to rise again. Harry might be 30, 40, 50, 100 years old. He could be dead by then...
I never thought something so small as answering that question, could of changed the future so drastically.
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