
Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 11 July 2011 3:29:19am

What does everyone think about the potential for coolness that the new Pottermore website has? Bits and pieces of new content, an online reading experience... Sounds fun to me. I saw a screenshot before, looked very pretty.
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Re: Pottermore

Postby Q.Araignee » Monday 1 August 2011 10:46:01am

I'm very much looking forward to this- it'll give me something to play with while I'm suspended from studies. Especially given I'm now an early registered special minion ^^
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Re: Pottermore

Postby salemboy » Friday 12 August 2011 6:05:46am

I cried when I heard about it. The one week that registration was open, I had no access to the internet.
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Re: Pottermore

Postby Scellanis » Friday 12 August 2011 5:21:13pm

I really can't be bothered with it, they are making it out like its going to be amazing but I bet its not. It might be good but I doubt its worth this much attention, really, shes not going to put that much new stuff up is she.
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Re: Pottermore

Postby salemboy » Saturday 13 August 2011 5:45:00am

Well, what I'm hoping she does is she takes all of the info which we've gathered from her interviews and puts it in there for us to read. Such as the fact that Harry eventually clears Snapes' name. It's never mentioned in the books, but she states in an interview that he does. I'd like to see those types of footnotes.
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