Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?
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by GodrictheGriffon » Monday 29 December 2008 7:38:50pm
If Death offered you a gift, would you take him up on it? What would you ask for? Pretend that you don't know that the Cloak was the best choice.
I think that I would ask for something that would enable me to relive moments in my past. Not time travel, but being able to be there again. I would go back to 21/07/07!

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by FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 30 December 2008 9:30:42pm
I would ask for the ability to see people for who they are on the inside, not just for what they look like. I think. I'm not really sure.

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by *Riley* » Monday 26 January 2009 1:43:19pm
To be able to tune into people 'brain waves' and know what they are thinking voluntarily and not in a massive swarm if I'm in a crowded room... I love death


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by Silver Bunny » Tuesday 27 January 2009 3:34:04am
GodrictheGriffon wrote:If Death offered you a gift, would you take him up on it? What would you ask for? Pretend that you don't know that the Cloak was the best choice.
I think that I would ask for something that would enable me to relive moments in my past. Not time travel, but being able to be there again. I would go back to 21/07/07!
If there aren't any limits to "Death's gift" I'd pick wisdom.

Silver Bunny
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by Alice5130 » Monday 12 October 2009 4:47:42am
Hmm...either, eternal life and beauty of a 21 year old, or maybe to acutally be a witch like in Harry Potter.
If I could have neither, I'd wish to be able to live to at least a 100 and have a quick, painless death.

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by salemboy » Monday 12 October 2009 10:07:40am
Hmmmmm... Anything... I would have to go with a complete and utter knowledge of the universe! I wouldn't care to know about the latest celebrity, but a perfect knowledge of the universe would be nice.

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by Alice5130 » Thursday 15 October 2009 1:13:31am
But if you were to die the next day, what then? You woulnd't have much time to use all that knowlege for good or for your own purposes. Plus life would be boring. Nothing new...except death. You can probably only do that once... O_o

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by salemboy » Monday 26 October 2009 9:10:43am
Ahh, but it would be so much fun! Just because you know everything in the universe doesn't mean you lack an imagination. Also, it doesn't mean you lack any joy. In fact, a better knowledge would give me more ideas to play with! It would awesome!

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by Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 28 October 2009 3:47:07pm
I would ask to be eternally young, and choose when my time was up. Then I could live as long as I want and learn as much as I needed to, meet as many people as I desired, live as many lives as I wanted.... time goes by too fast!

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by Alice5130 » Friday 30 October 2009 4:04:55pm
Ms. Elsewhere wrote:I would ask to be eternally young, and choose when my time was up. Then I could live as long as I want and learn as much as I needed to, meet as many people as I desired, live as many lives as I wanted.... time goes by too fast!
Rock on! XD

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