Book Club??

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Book Club??

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 28 March 2008 1:57:22am

Anyone interested in re - reading one of the JK books and then doing a book club discussion on it? We could do it chapter by chapter, or theory by theory. I've been re reading and I'm up to Goblet of Fire, and there are a few things in these books I still don't fell I have answers for, so I would love to bounce some ideas off other people!

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Postby *Riley* » Friday 28 March 2008 6:31:31am

I'LL JOIN ! So where do we start ? :grin:
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 28 March 2008 7:41:50am

Hmmm.. I guess the beginning is always best.... so Philosophers stone? (or Socerers stone in the states...)

Let's say, read chapter 1 and pose some questions, theories etc, then ppl can answer them as they wish...?

or... maybe cover more chapters? and do it weekly?
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Postby *Riley* » Friday 28 March 2008 9:05:51am

Maybe a chapter a day ??

Do you have MSN distortia, if so add me
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 28 March 2008 2:32:07pm

A chapter a day sounds reasonable..... when shall it start? Others can join when they want.....

I"m just a LITTLE bit addicted to this forum....
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Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 28 March 2008 4:04:07pm

The Leaky Lounge forum does these and they're fun! I think it's a good idea. They choose 1 book and post a thread per chapter to discuss each chapter individually.

I know I'm busy with a lot of school stuff (plenty of boring stuff to read :x ), so I don't think I could do a chapter a day until summer comes. But if one of you wanted to be in charge of it and post each chapter's thread, that would work.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 28 March 2008 8:40:02pm

ill join! but i won't be able to do a chapt a day, what with school, the plays, dance, and the fact that we have one computer and 6 people in my family.
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 28 March 2008 10:14:03pm

Not that I'll be joining in as I just don't have the time but for a forum a chapter a day is never going to work, people don't get to come online often enough for you to discuss each chapter properly in one day specially as they have to read it too. You'd be better off with 1 chapter a week giving people time to read and discuss it.
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 28 March 2008 10:16:22pm

Oh sorry for the double post but it just occured to me, maybe you should ask Paul to give you a special forum in the Book of the Season area for the book discussions that way they wouldn't be lost in all the other threads about the books. Then the person leading the discussions could be the mod too.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 28 March 2008 10:37:01pm

ooh, good idea scellanis!! can't wait to start!
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 29 March 2008 12:52:44am

Cool.. so it seems we have some interested parties... excellent! I don't mind being in charge, and we'll do one chapter a week. Also, we should set it to contain spoilers because as I've been re reading ,there are so many things from the last book that start to make more sense, etc. So...

If we start with Book 1, we'll do one chapter per week, and then people will be able to post when they can (as I notice ppl manage to come on at different times of the week.)

I'll pm Paul about putting it in the right spot, and hope lots of ppl will get to join in!

Thanks for the enthusiasm! I'll be in touch!
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Postby *Riley* » Saturday 29 March 2008 3:19:42am

Paul hasn't been on for awhile ... well his lasts posts weren't even March !
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 29 March 2008 4:46:36am

I've noticed that..... but he's usually pretty prompt with answering private messages. I've sent him one, and hopefully we should be set up on the Book of the Season section (bottom of the forum index) soon! I'm already reading chapter 1 and scribbling ideas of what we can discuss....
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 5 April 2008 9:11:56am

Yay! We've been given our very own thread to start the book club! So... could u check it out under Book of the Season? And, if u know anyone else who would like to join, please let em know. I'm going to ask Paul if we can change the name to something more catchy like "HP Book Club". ANy other suggestions, post em in the other thread.

I'm a moderator now.. Celebration time come on! :)
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Re: Book Club??

Postby Susan Montez » Saturday 5 July 2008 8:47:50pm

I'll join! *runs and grabs all 7 books & begins to read* *stops reading & checks e-mails then returns to book #4* I love to read I'm already done w/book 4....*begins book 5 & stops half-way through* Have you guys caught up yet?
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