SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

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SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

Postby Riley » Thursday 22 November 2007 8:05:23am

i was wondering, do you know how malfoy asks harry if he wants to hang out with him in book one ? it would effect the whole book drastically.
And anyway why would malfoy offer because his father was a death eater, so that makes no sense !! what do you think ?
ps. does that mean voldemort would of actually killed harry, ?
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Thursday 22 November 2007 4:25:39pm

This contains a major spoiler at the end and someone should move this immediately.
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Postby Riley » Friday 23 November 2007 7:34:21am

SORRY !! when will this site take spoilers ??
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 8 February 2008 12:20:50pm

Um The idea is actually don't write anything in here to ruin it for those people who haven't read the book yet. Some people like to theorise before reading it. Say those who have only just started reading HP because they didn't want to get into it until the series was complete.
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 9 February 2008 1:19:23am

Hmm.. fair enough. I've met heaps of ppl who haven't even got through the 3rd book yet. 4 more to go!

tHere is a section for spoilers isn't there?
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Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 9 February 2008 2:16:33pm

This is the section for DH spoilers. Riley posted this thread in a non-spoiler section, but it was moved here a while ago. Feel free to post DH spoilers in this thread.

All the DH sections are at the top of the board. The ones right above The Great Hall. All DH spoilers must be posted in those sections. You can talk about books 1-6 in any of the other forums, except The Phoenix Free Room and The Prince Free Room.
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 10 February 2008 1:21:16am

Cool. This forum is so organised! :) I thought it said Spoiler... der!

thanks for the info, I love to chat about the 7 books.... :)
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Postby *Riley* » Friday 28 March 2008 7:39:51am

So.. Is anyone going to answer my 'what if' question ??
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 28 March 2008 2:39:04pm

OOPs. kind of forgot to answer that! sorry.... I've thought about this too! What if Harry became friends with Malfoy, and was sorted into Slitherin house? The problem with Malfoy is that he's such a slimey loser in my opinion.. Harry could never have put up with him. It's sad, how Malfoy could have amounted to more if he didn't have such a poor upbringing. So... in answer to the question....

Malfoy was not a strong, evil person. He was a jerk, but not enough of an influence to send Harry 'dark'. So, I reckon that Voldemort might have tried to recruit Harry instead of kill him.. but ultimately everything points to Harry and Voldemort battling in the end, whether they were allies or enemies. So no, I don't think it would have changed the book, it would have just put Harry into a 'snape' like position.

(geeze, knowing how to type really lets me babble on a bit.. sorry about that!)
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Re: SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

Postby teyannanecole » Saturday 2 August 2008 6:24:18pm

The pivital point is Harry's absolute inital introduction to the wizarding world. He is yearning to feel loved and be accetped. It just happens that Hagrid provides this introduction. Let's say if Lucious Malfoy came in place of Hagrid and was talking about Voldemot in stead of Albus DD, he would not only gotten introduved to the wizarding world from the "dark" perspectve, but he would have seen the softer side of the Malfoys (whose love for eachother is shown at the end of DH) and been attracted to their close famiy ties. He would have been watching the Malfoys' goodbye instead of the Weasley's. He would have never asked the sorting hat not to put him in Slyther nd may in fact have askedhim to put him there. It may be going a bit far to say that Malfoy would be in Ron's place, but we knowthat Draco wants everything that Harry has. With Harry inheriting a fortune and loving to share everthing he has the cold have developed friendship. Harry is also strong enough to stand up to and most importantly influence Draco so if he did't take Ron's place maybe he would befriend another slytherin would and be coordial with Draco if not closer. As in he would not have gone around bullying others, but out to do whatever o make sure that he and his friends are ok.

Befriending Draco and being placed in Slytherin would only dastically change the first three quarters of the first book. Harry would never join sides with Voldemort, the murderer of his parents, and would have gone after the Philospher's stone just so Voldemort could not obtain it. With everyone else's influence (Doby, Sirius, Dumbledore...) the rest of the books would be basically the same. Without the loathing hate of Slyterinof course.
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Re: SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

Postby salemboy » Sunday 3 August 2008 7:09:07am

A very good point, except for the bullying and joining Voldy. Have you ever heard the term, "you are who you hang out with"? What it means, is that if you hang out with bad people, you eventually become like them, whether it takes a week, or a decade. It's also the same with hanging out with good people. So, the peer pressure Draco and Crabbe and Goyle would all put on Harry would probably have made Harry a bully, yes, and also a follower of Voldemort, even if Voldy had killed Harry's parents. So, I believe that if Lucius had been the one to pick up Harry from the Dursleys, then the entire series would have been different. including the ending.
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Re: SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 5 August 2008 1:10:45am

I don't think Harry would have ever joined up with Voldy, no matter who he hung out with.

Also, remember that Harry spent 10 years living with the Dursleys and yet he was still able to love. He did not act like the Dursleys at all, despite 10 years of influence.
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Re: SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 6 August 2008 9:21:44am

They didn't influence him because they were cruel and vicious to him. If they had been kind to him, but kept their wierdo ways, he would have ended up just like them, because I'm sure Dudley wasn't born a brat.
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Re: SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

Postby teyannanecole » Saturday 9 August 2008 1:31:21pm

I agree.
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Re: SPOILER ! harry had acepted malfoys invite of being friends?

Postby firemal000 » Monday 11 August 2008 7:44:50pm

teyannanecole wrote:The pivital point is Harry's absolute inital introduction to the wizarding world. He is yearning to feel loved and be accetped. It just happens that Hagrid provides this introduction. Let's say if Lucious Malfoy came in place of Hagrid and was talking about Voldemot in stead of Albus DD, he would not only gotten introduved to the wizarding world from the "dark" perspectve, but he would have seen the softer side of the Malfoys (whose love for eachother is shown at the end of DH) and been attracted to their close famiy ties. He would have been watching the Malfoys' goodbye instead of the Weasley's. He would have never asked the sorting hat not to put him in Slyther nd may in fact have askedhim to put him there. It may be going a bit far to say that Malfoy would be in Ron's place, but we knowthat Draco wants everything that Harry has. With Harry inheriting a fortune and loving to share everthing he has the cold have developed friendship. Harry is also strong enough to stand up to and most importantly influence Draco so if he did't take Ron's place maybe he would befriend another slytherin would and be coordial with Draco if not closer. As in he would not have gone around bullying others, but out to do whatever o make sure that he and his friends are ok.

Befriending Draco and being placed in Slytherin would only dastically change the first three quarters of the first book. Harry would never join sides with Voldemort, the murderer of his parents, and would have gone after the Philospher's stone just so Voldemort could not obtain it. With everyone else's influence (Doby, Sirius, Dumbledore...) the rest of the books would be basically the same. Without the loathing hate of Slyterinof course.

Good point, But i also think that 3 fairly important characters would die if the books were exactly the same but Harry was in Slytherin. First would be Ginny because in Ginny's first year, Harry's second year, she is in the Chamber of Secrets with Voldemort. Because Harry probably wouldn't even know Ginny because Ron didn't tell him because he's with malfoy. Second to die would be Mr. Weasly or Ron ( i forget the order when Ron gets poisoned or Mr. Weasly get bit by the snake) Again because He's with Malfoy.
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