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teyannanecole wrote:The pivital point is Harry's absolute inital introduction to the wizarding world. He is yearning to feel loved and be accetped. It just happens that Hagrid provides this introduction. Let's say if Lucious Malfoy came in place of Hagrid and was talking about Voldemot in stead of Albus DD, he would not only gotten introduved to the wizarding world from the "dark" perspectve, but he would have seen the softer side of the Malfoys (whose love for eachother is shown at the end of DH) and been attracted to their close famiy ties. He would have been watching the Malfoys' goodbye instead of the Weasley's. He would have never asked the sorting hat not to put him in Slyther nd may in fact have askedhim to put him there. It may be going a bit far to say that Malfoy would be in Ron's place, but we knowthat Draco wants everything that Harry has. With Harry inheriting a fortune and loving to share everthing he has the cold have developed friendship. Harry is also strong enough to stand up to and most importantly influence Draco so if he did't take Ron's place maybe he would befriend another slytherin would and be coordial with Draco if not closer. As in he would not have gone around bullying others, but out to do whatever o make sure that he and his friends are ok.
Befriending Draco and being placed in Slytherin would only dastically change the first three quarters of the first book. Harry would never join sides with Voldemort, the murderer of his parents, and would have gone after the Philospher's stone just so Voldemort could not obtain it. With everyone else's influence (Doby, Sirius, Dumbledore...) the rest of the books would be basically the same. Without the loathing hate of Slyterinof course.
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