Just looking back to book six

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Just looking back to book six

Postby DDforever » Tuesday 7 August 2007 3:05:24pm

Yeah, we don't get much info about their personal habits, but I heard hints from JK and others that professors are married and have lives beyond Hogwart's. Guess we don't really think about it.

I think they must get gifts though. DD has mentioned that some items he owns were gifts and then I was looking at the end of book six because I couldn't remember why it was that the elder wand should technically be under Draco's control. So i was reading through it and Draco disarms DD before Snape comes up and finishes the job.

During that whole conversation DD recounts how Draco tried to poison him with mead that came as a gift from Madame Rosmerta, and that was how it past Filch. Clearly Slughorn got tons of gifts. But DD was so private so we don't hear much about his gifts.
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Postby selene » Tuesday 7 August 2007 4:08:47pm

well, the proffessors would have more than a live just at hogwaerts. i mean where would they go at holidays, wouldn't they have friends outside hogwaerts, what about there families, ...
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Wednesday 8 August 2007 9:52:28pm

I used to think that Dumbledore and McGonagall were married! :lol:
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Thursday 9 August 2007 3:39:08am

GodrictheGriffon wrote:I used to think that Dumbledore and McGonagall were married! :lol:

bwahahahahaha...that is sooooo funny Godric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 15 August 2007 9:01:42pm

well confused about this topic title but in line with it - what do you make of the chapter calles "the other minister" now? I thought it was odd at the time and even odder now - muggles never really came into it at all in the last book - strange!!
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Wednesday 15 August 2007 9:16:54pm

I think that it fits better in that book than in The First where she originally wanted to put it.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 16 August 2007 12:31:38am

I think it fits good there. It makes sense that the muggle minister would have to know about magic. Especially with Voldemort rising to power again. I don't think it would have fit good in the 1st because Voldy was still in hiding and nothing really bad was happening.
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Postby carsten » Wednesday 22 August 2007 8:15:53am

selene wrote:well, the proffessors would have more than a live just at hogwaerts. i mean where would they go at holidays, wouldn't they have friends outside hogwaerts, what about there families, ...

In "Spinner's End" we learn about Snape's happy home.
Just a question for you to consider: How much do you know about your teacher's families? In my school this was hardly ever mentioned, so Hogwarts doesn't seem to be that unusual in this regard for me.

Carsten :cool:
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Wednesday 22 August 2007 3:37:54pm

I actually know quite a bit more than usual. They;re always talking about their families in lessons and they have pictures everywhere. So maybe Hogwarts is just a more business-like school. they do seem to tend to get off topic a lot less in class, come to think about it. And the only ones who really had pictures up were Lockhart and Umbridge. And they weren't of family. Maybe that's why Percy and Riddle liked it so much.
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Postby firemal000 » Saturday 10 November 2007 12:41:40am

Ice_&_Snow wrote:well confused about this topic title but in line with it - what do you make of the chapter calles "the other minister" now? I thought it was odd at the time and even odder now - muggles never really came into it at all in the last book - strange!!
Well because Voldemort told every one muggles are scum etc.
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Postby *Riley* » Tuesday 22 January 2008 5:10:32am

thought the start of book 6 was BORING ! :lol: But i like the chapters where bellatrix is in it. :evil: hehe
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 27 January 2008 12:58:08pm

Something i noticed in all of the books... when the heck did everyone shower?? The only time I ever heard of Harry freshening up was when he took a bath in Goblet of Fire.

Lol.. I suppose it wasn't important enough to mention.. it might have even been assumed.. but Harry always got up and went downstairs..and went straight to bed... I mean.. ewwwwww?

whadayathink? Plus, he was too clean and well groomed and his hair was too tidy in the later movies... I get so mad when my image of the characters is not what they show in the movie.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 27 January 2008 6:57:50pm

Ha-ha! I never realised that. Maybe a house-elf does soapy-magic all around the dormitory. Like filling it up with bubbles or something! :lol:
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Postby carsten » Sunday 27 January 2008 10:22:30pm

Distortia wrote:Something i noticed in all of the books... when the heck did everyone shower?? The only time I ever heard of Harry freshening up was when he took a bath in Goblet of Fire.
That's Entertainment, Folks! No matter whether you think of western movies, Star Trek or James Bond: the basic body functions are usually not mentioned. It is a story, not a documentary.
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Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 28 January 2008 1:29:31am


Fair enough! :D
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