Dracus Malfoy

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Dracus Malfoy

Postby ElineV » Tuesday 24 July 2007 5:41:34pm

Can somebody explain to me why the elder wand chose malfoy as his (new)
owner? and how did Harry find out?

I reread all the chapters with explanations, but cannot seem to grasp it..
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 24 July 2007 6:09:38pm

I believe the argument Harry was using was that the plan, for quite a while, was for Malfoy to kill Dumbledore, so the wand chose him. I'm not sure that I actually buy it, however. I think that was mostly making that up to confuse Voldemort and lower his confidence in the wand, and thus himself, even more. And then, either way, Harry became the true owner of the wand, because he both disarmed Malfoy and finished Voldemort.
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Postby ElineV » Tuesday 24 July 2007 9:07:48pm

still, it does not make sense; dumbledore knew Malfoy would be chosen to kill him and asked snape to do it instead of him.
For some reason Snape did not become the owner of the wand, eventhough he did kill Dumbledore..
Harry knew this..

I can follow the reasoning that Harry took Malfoys wand by force and therefore the elder wand is his aswell...

but why why why did that wand choose malfoy???
(and how did Harry know or did he really just made it up to scare Voldemort?)
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Postby Eol » Tuesday 24 July 2007 9:09:25pm

The wand was rightly Malfoy's because he disarmed Dumbledore in the tower, i.e. he defeated Dumbledore. It didn't belong to Snape because Dumbledore had told Snape to kill him, so it wasn't a defeat. The wand finally came to Harry because he had forcefully disarmed Malfoy at Malfoy Manor.
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Postby ElineV » Tuesday 24 July 2007 9:13:07pm

aha!! I forgot the point of disarming in the tower..

Now it;s all totally clear!!
thanks!! (saved me from alot of sleepless nights wondering over this)
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Postby Nightcrawler » Thursday 26 July 2007 11:08:00pm

Which begs the question of why Voldermort simply disarm Snape instead of killing him...

I guess Voldermort must have assumed that the ownership of the Elderwand passes on with death and death only.
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Postby Eol » Thursday 26 July 2007 11:10:36pm

Voldemort took its name literally "The Death Stick". It passes from owner to owner through the defeat of the other wizard. Death is the biggest defeat Voldemort could think of. Snape would never have openly fought Voldemort, so disarming may not have worked.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 27 July 2007 3:22:17am

Quite honestly. I think that this wand is just too much trouble!
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Postby Stumpy » Friday 27 July 2007 12:48:52pm

surely LV mustve known it isnt through death as AD didnt get it that way
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 27 July 2007 4:33:39pm

But he is (was) Lord Voldemort. And killing is fun for him and that was the only way that he understood it.
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Postby greensock » Monday 6 August 2007 6:26:29am

surely LV mustve known it isnt through death as AD didnt get it that way

LV killed Grindelwald before, so he was covering his bases. It seems that he was killing anyone who might have been the rightful owner.
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Postby BreannaButtnana » Saturday 1 March 2008 8:23:13am

I thought Harry lied about the Elder wand being Draco's . . .

Because the Elder wand is made out of elder wood, right? But Draco's wand was made out of Hawthorne.

So I think Harry was just trying to trick Voldemort.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 1 March 2008 6:34:06pm

he can've just been trying to trick voldy, because if the elder wand hadn't been draco's, then it wouldn't have been harry's either, so he would've been killed.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 1 March 2008 10:18:04pm

The Elder Wand was Draco's. It had been DD's, but Draco disarmed DD on the Astronomy Tower before Snape killed him.

Then, Harry disarmed Draco at the Malfoy manor. Draco didn't have the Elder Wand at the time, he had the Hawthorne wand, but the Elder Wand was still his, and Harry disarmed him, so the Elder Wand became Harry's.
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