Did Dumbledore really have a secret life?

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Did Dumbledore really have a secret life?

Postby Fantasy girl » Saturday 21 July 2007 3:05:25pm

Is he as bad as they make him out to be? Ron's aunt says she knows with the utmost certainty, that Dumbledore wasn't a perfect child. could it be true, or could it be a way of getting to Harry's defenses.We know Harry would do anything to protect his name.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Sunday 22 July 2007 4:40:16am

Well after finishing the book, I'd say DD definately wasn't perfect and that he did hide a lot of things about his past.
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Postby Christo » Sunday 22 July 2007 1:08:54pm

Yea I agree with Runaway, but he was still great.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Sunday 22 July 2007 1:48:56pm

I don't think DD was as good as I thought he was during the other books, but I don't think he was bad. I think it just showed that he was just a person, and everybody makes mistakes and stuff like that.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 1:19:06am

Well yeah, up to this point he's been a great character with little flaws. But we really knew nothing about his past, and now that we do we can see he had flaws just like everybody else.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 23 July 2007 3:03:17am

I think DD the same, you just happen to know more about him. A more realistic thing about him!
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 23 July 2007 5:06:37am

Yeah, now he actually seems like a real person.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 25 July 2007 5:14:23am

I really liked how it showed more about Dumbledore, and I found the inclusion with Grindelwald very interesting, especially him still being in prison.

I got the impression that the death of his sister was what really made him realise what he'd become with power, and so he dedicated the rest of his life to teaching others and trying to prevent young wizards from that path.

I think he may have regarded Voldemort as his own fault, for letting him get that far.
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Postby Prof.M.McGonagall » Sunday 29 July 2007 8:40:42am

i agree. at the beginning though, rowling made it look like he was someone bad and manipulating harry to get what he wants. I was disappointed but after reading on, i guess he's not that bad after all. But still, i would expect someone like dumbledore to be smart even at that age and would not make such mistakes.
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Postby witchsnape » Sunday 29 July 2007 9:45:23am

I was really upset when I thought Dumbledore was just using Harry, so Im glad it all turned out well. I still think hes great and would want him on my side, but more human now then how I first saw him.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 29 July 2007 6:19:04pm

I don't think it matters who someone was in the past. It matters who they are are in the present and who they will be.
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I kept my faith in DD, butt hat family story - sketchy

Postby DDforever » Thursday 2 August 2007 11:39:57pm

THat story about Albus's sister, weird huh? WHat coulod Muggle children have done to her to make her that Crazy? And why wouldn't Percival Dumbledore have explained it to defend himself. Why did he go quietly to Azkaban if he was defending his daughter. Why wouldn't they get her the help she needed?

Something about this story makes even less sense that the tosh about her being a hidden Squib.

Anyone have any ideas?
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 3 August 2007 12:19:05am

I think it was humanizing Dumbledore. He was almost saint-like in past books. It was all very suspicious, but no one cared to think too deeply about his past because everyone seems to love him.
It was with a great deal of difficulty that many people began to realize that maybe Dumbledore isn't as perfect as they'd thought he was.

It was all very interesting, if you ask me.
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Re: I kept my faith in DD, butt hat family story - sketchy

Postby Augusta Longbottom » Friday 3 August 2007 11:25:47am

DDforever wrote:THat story about Albus's sister, weird huh? WHat coulod Muggle children have done to her to make her that Crazy? And why wouldn't Percival Dumbledore have explained it to defend himself. Why did he go quietly to Azkaban if he was defending his daughter. Why wouldn't they get her the help she needed?

Something about this story makes even less sense that the tosh about her being a hidden Squib.

Anyone have any ideas?

Think about what year this must have occured in. Back then, people (muggles) with mentally handicapped or even just kids with ADHD or depression kept it hidden....kept their kids out of school because it was taboo to admit your child had a problem. Surely, Percival was of that mindset and wanted to keep it all hush-hush.

As for what the muggle kids did, it could have been something as seemingly harmless as name-calling. Obviously some kids can brush stuff like that off, but some go into deep depression, or develop stuttering or other negative ways of coping with being bullied or name-called.
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Had the ring of something awful

Postby DDforever » Monday 6 August 2007 3:58:24pm

Whatever the muggle kids did, it felt like she was getting at something really awful. Like she had really been violated, but I don't think she meant in the sexual sense, maybe a psychological one?

Next question though.

What do you guys think Dumbledore really saw in the mirror of Erised?

I had always thought he wasn't lying about the socks. Maybe socks and the hallows? Can't conquer death with cold feet right? Could he still have desired the power to conquer death that intensely. I guess so of he wouldn't have put on the ring? Or maybe he saw his sister whole again?

What d'you think?
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