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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 18 July 2007 8:08:54am

I know its only a day or two before DH comes out but I just heard on the news that the entire book has been leaked onto the internet and people have been posting death lists (which has just recently happened here a BaO). The death lists are still unknown but if you see anything that could be suspicious on the internet don't read it because it might actually be the real thing and if you don't want to spoil your reading experience don't open anything to do with the Deathly Hallows until you've finished the book.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 18 July 2007 10:50:37am

Sorry to double post but to express the seriousness of this horrible situation... somebody I know read the book already from these leaks and blurted out who dies to my sister.. who blurted it out to me without even considering my feelings. ANd now im really upset because its spoiled and im horribly upset about that certain person dieing.
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 18 July 2007 3:28:19pm

I just moved that one post about what may happen in the Discussions area,.... :x I leave for one day and the world may be getting leeks on DH! :mad: I DON'T CARE IF IT"S THE REAL THING OR NOT! WE DON'T WANT YOUR SORRY BUTT SPOILING THE BOOK FOR US EITHER!!! :x

Well Run Away, I wouldn't put much faith into this. Remember when two people got that OotP book early? Well, they were sworn to secretary, weren't they? And how were they mange to get the book, read it all/photograph it all, without anyone's notice???? I don't know, it's too fishy for me.....I don't bother reading all of his what not.....I advise you all to do the same. Some people would think it's funny to get people set on what they think may happen, all I've got to say about that is,.....I'm not laughing.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Wednesday 18 July 2007 4:09:25pm

grrrr........ haven't they realized other people have feelings and might want it to be a suprise?
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Postby DucksRMagical » Wednesday 18 July 2007 6:33:17pm

Ugh! :mad: Run Away, that sucks that someone spoiled it for you. I'm so sorry that happened. :(
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 18 July 2007 9:26:19pm

Run Away chances are its completely untrue, I've seen nothing about leaked book on the national British news yet I have seen news about the book price wars and that ASDA is not getting any because Bloomsbury claims they didn't pay a bill and ASDA claims Bloomsbury is sulking about the price yet Tesco is getting them and selling them for the same price as ASDA....but no scandal about leaked books so basically, ignore it. Probably impossible to forget what you've been told but best to try not to let it bother you, chances are its wrong, if its right you'll find out when you read the book.

As for spoiler posts on here, if you see something out of the special book forums or anything posted before midnight Friday then its malicious and try not to read it, its possible to look at something and skim it without registering the details.
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 18 July 2007 10:33:35pm

Scellanis is exactly right (I almost posted something similar in the early hours of this morning but didn't want to raise the issue any further...but seeing as this thread is here...)...if you see anything you even think is a spoiler, just skim and pass it by (or go straight to the "Move" button if you're a Mod to burn it.

I wouldn't advise going searching about whether it's true or not that anything may have leaked either...I'd heard something on the news a few days ago and I did a web search after seeing the spoiler posted yesterday (I skimmed too, but did have to read some whilst investigating)...I won't go into details now, but one thing I can say for true is that there is conflicting information being spread (including death information) based on the supposed leaks...so even if a leak has occurred prior to the release (and it still could all be a huge hoax) if you've heard or read something, the details you've been told or read may all still be possibly inaccurate or plain wrong.

I'm hoping it's all fake.
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Postby selene » Wednesday 18 July 2007 10:41:25pm

it's been in the newspapers here, i'll try to translate the article tomorrow but basicly it sais that a french website published pictured of pages from the book yesterday but the website was closed down sortly after
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 18 July 2007 10:51:40pm

Seriously, theres no point translating that or worrying, if you got told or read something it doesn't spoil the book as you still have to read it to find out if its true so you wont know if that person dies untill you have read it in your book anyway, its like having a theory and waiting to see if its true. So long as you don't memorise page number and check that page before reading your enjoyment of the book shouldn't be spoilt.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 18 July 2007 10:57:15pm

Its been in NZ news quite a bit lately. And now that the book is only a couple of days away the books are all published and ready to be stocked in the stores, which would make it easier for a leak since somebody somewhere along the line could nick a book or take a sneak peak at it.
But there are warnings all over our news and radio shows not to google 'Deathly Hallows'. I'm glad our broadcast journalists have their priorities straight!
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 18 July 2007 11:47:47pm

Yeah but she is British, you'd think if it leaked anywhere in the world the lawyers and publishers and all that would be going mental here in Britain and it would be all over our news but it isn't.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Thursday 19 July 2007 12:02:09am

You would think so, but in any case there are leaks, whether they are true or not really doesn't matter. People are creating pages all over the internet claiming to give away the story, even if they aren't true they are still infuriating.
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Postby Simatra » Thursday 19 July 2007 2:06:50am

I've not heard about a leek over here, other than on BandO.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 19 July 2007 2:08:32am

I read an article on the Washington Post's website that said there had been a leak and pages were being posted online.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Thursday 19 July 2007 4:00:39am

Thats right Duckie,
Well just as 'proof' so to say it, heres the link the the New Zealand main current events channels's website with the story.

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