Hogwarts: A History

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Hogwarts: A History

Postby Aberforth » Monday 27 November 2006 12:56:15pm

I was reading the books in reverse order (don't ask) and noticed something that tickled me.

You may remember that Hogwarts: a History tells us that it is impossible to apparate/disapperate into/out of Hogwarts (except during the training sessions). In HBP Malfoy tells us that Montague disapparated out of the vanishing cabinet to escape as he was trapped between the two. However, in OotP Montague turns up in a toilet at Hogwarts, which he should not be able to do.

Any thoughts?
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Postby Simatra » Monday 27 November 2006 8:53:49pm

Bad things happen when you try to go somewhere where you're not supposed to be, that go's for all things! :D
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