Does your family/significant other read Harry Potter?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Does your family/significant other read Harry Potter?

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 10 June 2003 4:14:21pm

I've been wondering about this for some time. :-) I thought it would be interesting to know if you date someone who also loves Harry Potter or who loathes Harry Potter or is indifferent. I also thought it would be interesting to see if anyone else in your family shared your love of the books! :grin:

In my family, my Dad hasn't read the books or seen the movies. He isn't at all opposed to him, it's just hasn't been an interest of his . . . yet. :razz: My only sibling--a brother younger than me by 3 and a half years--has read all the books, and I *think* he's seen the two movies. My Mum is absolute *nut* for Harry . . . she's the one who bought me my set of books when I graduated from Uni with my Bachelor's Degree a few years ago! :grin: I think I *may* have outdone her as a fan, but if so, not by much! :lol: She's being kind enough to let me read her book (my brother, boyfriend, and I pre-ordered the 5th book for her as a belated Mother's Day gift) as I'm a faster reader than she is, and she is currently reading the fourth book, as that's the only one she hasn't read yet (gotta read that one before the fifth one! :eek: ). Other than the fourth book, she's read all the books, seen the movies, and even bought me an owl Christmas ornament a few years ago in homage to Harry! :razz:

My boyfriend is much like my Dad . . . he's indifferent, but unlike my Dad, he's seen the two movies and at least knows about Harry and such. :) He's read a little of the third book (and enjoyed it), but he's a far bigger fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and the LOTR books (with the movies coming second). He *has*, however, seen the first HP movie with his younger brother, and the second HP movie with me, and enjoyed both. So, while I'm the die-hard fan, he appreciates and likes the series, and he lets me be as fanatical as I like. :razz: hehehehe One of my favorite memories is laying together on my bed with him on one side reading the 10th "Wheel of Time" book by Robert Jordan (he enjoys that series) and me reading (for the first time--I only recently started reading the HP books back in February 2003 :eek: ) "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". It was raining outside with the wind blowing and occasional thunder, the room was well-lit with lamps, and it was nighttime . . . just the right atmosphere for reading a good book with good snacks and drinks nearby! :grin:

How about you? What does your family and/or significant other think of Harry Potter? How do they deal with your fanacism or are they as crazy for Harry as you? :razz: I feel rather lucky that even though not all my family (and not my boyfriend, to some degree) are as crazy about Harry as I am, they do respect my enthusiasm and some of them share it! :D How about you . . . what's your situation? Do share! :grin:
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Postby han lin » Tuesday 10 June 2003 8:05:43pm

my family look upon me with pity. they don't understand the impact HP has on my life!!
my elder brother takes the MICKY all the time when i come on this site. he is ignorant to HP he hasn't picked up the books and he thinks the films are poor. but i bet anything if he read it he'd love it. i have yet to meet anyone who has read the books without falling under their spell.. ( hey what a good phrase, have you fallen under the spell of Harry Potter?)
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Postby TDM » Tuesday 10 June 2003 9:32:55pm

my little sister likes the books too. she's on this site, but doesn't post much anymore. hermione_girl09, or something like that. but, no offense to anyone, i also think the films are bad. the books captivate one way more.
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 11 June 2003 5:55:45am

My mom like the third book but haven't read GoF yet. My father tried to read SS, but it seems that it didn't catch his attention too much (I'm sure he read the first chapter only, but alt least I tried), my brother hates reading, so he will wait for the books; and I like this girls that also is a HP fan, but she has a boy friend right now (which by the way is also a huge fan of HP)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 11 June 2003 7:16:55am

My Mum has read the bookes, and loved them,and I forced her to come watch the movies, which she enjoyed! But she's not really obsissive, she jsut likes it!!! *I am obsissive!!!*
My father, sister and brother don't read much, so havent' read them... My sister has seen PS movie tho, and will undoubtably watch CoS when I bring the DVD home!
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 11 June 2003 7:24:23am

Fans are most likely to be unique in a family.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 15 June 2003 8:12:21pm

I'm probably the biggest HP fan in my family. my brother has read all of the books and seen the movies, but doesn't get into it as much as I do. But I'm still dragging him to B&N with me at midight to get the book! Both my parents have seen the movies, but haven't read the books. I've been tielessly trying to convince my mother to start the series!
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 15 June 2003 9:00:58pm

My Mum really likes HP, and she's actually the one who convinced me to read the series...stupid me was rather opposed to HP in the beginning., for I'd seen the first movie but didn't like it at all. But then I read one chapter, couldn't stop myself from reading the second and...look where I am now!! hehe
My significant other says it's enough for him to watch the films...he's also more into LoTR. But fortunately, some of my friends are as obsessed with HP as I am! *waves at Willow*

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Postby Hermione » Monday 16 June 2003 12:43:04am

My mom assumes that anything I'm crazy about is a tool sent from the devil to distract me from studying. And my dad just watches television. :razz:

And . . . and . . . I don't have a significant other!! :cry: Well, interesting things are happening with my crush, but . . . he doesn't read Harry Potter. I don't think. Now that I think of it, though . . .
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Postby Neo » Monday 16 June 2003 4:30:28am

That could be bad, he might not understand when a book comes out, and you stop calling him for the next three days. :grin:
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 16 June 2003 11:35:35am

my little sister (snuffles360uk on this forum) was the first of our family to read them...cos her friends told her to....then me and my big sister got hooked on them....over the years us 3 have converted almost every single one of my big sister's boyfriends that she bought home into harry potter fans...


i recently converted one of my friends into a harry potter fan too...cos he came to visit and i got him to watch both DVD'

its our mission in life to make everyone adore harry potter....
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 16 June 2003 11:59:36am

Half of my friends at college are too intent on appearing mature to do stuff like read kids books!!! They annoy me sometimes!
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Postby RavenEye » Monday 23 June 2003 4:26:13am

Unfortunately I'm the only one in my family that reads the books. :(

Many of my cousins, however, do read them.
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Postby Stargazer » Tuesday 24 June 2003 10:51:41pm

I'm the only fanatic in the family :razz: but my brother has read the books. At least once, I think. My mom's read the first one but she isn't really into them and my dad hasn't read a novel since high school! :grin: Don't get me wrong, he likes reading and reads a lot but just not fiction! He reads history, biographies, books on science and philosophy and religion ... But not novels!

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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 15 July 2003 2:38:02am dad loves harry potter, my boyfriend loves harry potter, a lot of my theater friends loves harry potter, my cousins love hp, and guess what...two of my best friends are a slight boy with messy dark hair and glasses, a tall red haired freckled kid, and then there is me...i've got brown frizzy hair and i used to have nasty teeth (thank you braces). However, the "Harry" kid is the brains of the
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