Which girl would you like to see Harry be with?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Who would you like to see Harry be with?

Hermione Granger, best friend
Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister
Cho Chang, his crush
Luna Lovegood, an unusual Ravenclaw
Parvati Patil, his date for the "Yule Ball"
Someone Not Yet Introduced
No One!
Total votes : 207

Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 13 August 2003 3:19:00am

It is nice to know that people agree with me...he he he...Hermione and Ron have to get married or I will be really sad...
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 13 August 2003 3:50:38am

Ok, I'll call ya Tie...but you can call me Meg (who'da guessed, huh?)

Any ways, back on topic...

Which girl do you think Harry should be with...this clique I am with obviously thinks Hermione is not it (since she is destined for Ron...*sigh*)...what do the rest of you kiddos think?
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Postby almost2sweet24 » Wednesday 13 August 2003 4:07:29am

Well yeah, I think we've concluded that Hermione and Harry are DEFINETLY not going to happen :D..I think Harry will end up with someone not introduced yet, or someone like..introduced but not very important yet. I really don't think he wants to go back to Cho..shes very High Matenince..and Luna's just plain weird..what do you think?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 13 August 2003 4:17:26am

I believe its gonna be Ginny...i can just see it...I think I've already explained why...

I think Neville should be with Susan Bones...she seems really nice, and Neville needs a nice girl in his life
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Postby almost2sweet24 » Wednesday 13 August 2003 3:58:58pm

I agree with you about Neville and Susan, but I still just don't think it'll be Harry and Ginny, she's already gotten over him, it would be like going out with his sister too :-?
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Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 13 August 2003 10:10:32pm

Yes, but the books are about growing up. Ginny got over her schoolgirl crush about Harry, and moved on. However, what about after? The Weasley's would love to have Harry as a son, or son-in-law. A Ginny-Harry relationship might be right now, since it's for the right reasons.

And trust me, hostile in-laws are not good. My father was cut off from his parents for marrying my mother. It took 30 years for them to accept my mother as good enough. Their other children (both daughters) married one man who abused her, and another who abandoned her.

The Weasley's would celebrate the joining of Harry to their family happily. The already love him like a son, but having him be attached to him via Ginny would be a dream for them.
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Postby Mumbleberry » Thursday 14 August 2003 3:27:48pm

Reasons why Harry will end up with Luna:
1. Names mean a lot in these books. Luna's surname is Lovegood.
2. Luna is one of the few people who's never, ever been preoccuppied by Harry's fame. Even Ron has issues with it. She's able to talk with him as a person and he's comfortable taking about feelings etc with her from pretty early on. H has a lot coming up, and after it's all over he needs someone who'll see beyond his fame, achievements etc to the pain he'll be feeling, whilst still treating him as an equal.
2.1 Ginny is doing her best to be a normal girl and won't want to be saddled with the emotional wreck that H will be by the end of book 7.
3. Luna's personality complements Harry's. She's cool and collected where he's hotblooded, and helps him to see beyond the obvious. But they clearly understand each other.
3. 1 Harry and Hermione don't challenge each other or each other's preconceptions nearly enough.
4. H's thing for Cho and Ginny's for H were just instant physical attraction. I think the lack of instant physical attraction between H and L bodes well for the future; after all, they are still young, and need time to build not an immature, fancying/dating scenario, but a long-lasting 'Good Love'.
5. She may seem 'weird', but that's a JKR tendency which we've seen very often to make characters seem less approachable and interesting than in fact they are, eg Neville, Hermione, Snape. Luna has a whole lot of character development in store.
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Which girl would you like to see Harry wind up with?

Postby Just Mom » Saturday 16 August 2003 1:13:34am

There are so many good and thoughtful posts on this topic. Please forgive me for being still too new to have figured out how to quote anyone.(which probably just requires reading the directions.)

While she is a very interesting girl, Harry will absolutely NOT end up with Luna. She's just too, well...herself. They might date, or have a strange and ethereal fling, but she's not his "true love" or whatever you want to call it. She's a teenage Sybil Trelawney.

I wanted to comment on the "Ginny is over Harry" ideas. Just because Ginny appears to be "over" Harry, i.e. she's going out with other guys, doesn't mean at all, that she's not carrying some deep feelings for him. We ladies, quite often in fact, will have a very special love that we conceal until we know the time is right. And can't you just imagine JKR writing this? Ginny finally having the oppportunity to confess that she's loved Harry since she was ten years old? And Harry realizing that Ron's kid sister has grown into a really beautiful young woman?

Someone else said that Harry and Ginny didn't "share" anything, but in the CoS, they share a very very powerful life and death experience that I think, will produce strong emotions in both of them a little later on. Ginny is like the Bruce Springsteen song. Her heart is a secret garden. She has not yet blossomed into the woman she will become. But just wait...just wait.

And she reminds many of us of a young Lily... :)
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Postby Marcus Baker » Saturday 16 August 2003 2:01:19pm

You know what i think?? What if there is a nice slythern girl in 4th year (5th year in book 6) that starts to like harry?? Remember harry was about to go to slytheren? Maybe there are people just like him who didnt want to go to slytheren, but didnt know at the time. I think that would be an intresting thing if that happend, and Harry dated someone from the house he hated most.
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Postby almost2sweet24 » Saturday 16 August 2003 2:30:32pm

That would be interesting, but I think that's going to happen with Hermione and Draco..just cause ya kno :razz:
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Postby highsorcerer » Saturday 16 August 2003 2:53:49pm

Oh, but Ginny could be PERFECT for Harry, if both for the right reasons.

Ginny has had a crush on him. But if Harry's experience with Cho taught nothing else, is that childhoood crushes don't work. Trust me; I had plenty of crushes. I know I don't want to be with my first crush. I don't even know why I liked her to start with.

Ginny getting over her crush on Harry is a part of growing up. But she might also realize that a schoolgirl crush is no reason for not taking on an adult relationship with him. The Weasleys love Harry as a son, and would happily accept him as a son-in-law. And believe me... my father's parents hated my mother as a daughter in law.

OK, I'd admitted my crushes; many and diverse. Crushes are part of growing up. But it takes maturity for a relationship to last. James had a crush on Lily, but she didn't on him, until he had matured. Sirius and Lupin tried to tell Harry that Lily only finally loved him after he matured, but Harry is still 15. He knew it was wrong at 15 to bully, but didn't understand people grow out of it. If James could tell something to Harry; it would be that he was wrong. Harry put bulling in the same class as snape, Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy. and he was right this time,

Plus, Lily grew out of it. Once James matured; she knew he was a good person and married him. And the ultimate test came when she gave her life for her son. It's will Voldemort will never understand - that some things are willing to give your life for.

It's funny, but in a big way Voldemort still doesn't understand the power of love, nor does his followers. Bellatrix certainly didn't understand even when Harry used the torture curse on her. Even then, she realized he wasn't a sadist. Just like in PoA; Harry couldn't bring himself to kill. Only make Peter pay for his crime in Azkaban, despite his mentor (lupin) and godfather (sirius) telll them the death penalty was worth it. Harry wants JUSTICE, not vengence

Sorry if I'm a bit nervous, but I want to make it clear - I want justice - trial by jury. Harry was tried and cleared - but Sirius was given jail without trial. They probably would have convictect him, but he was still entitled to justice.
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Who Would you like to see Harry wind up with?

Postby Just Mom » Saturday 16 August 2003 3:41:11pm

The Hermione/Draco match? No way. On another thread it's already been pretty well established so far, JKR has not written Draco with any noticeably redeeming qualities and it's unlikely given his family influence and history, that any change will take place there. Unless Hermione is just totally brainless, and we know she's not, I don't think that will be even be entertained unless it's a one-sided thing with Draco. Plus, JKR has said in several interviews, that while she's like a lot of her characters, Hermione has some of her best qualities, and I don't think JKR could bear to write a romance with Hermione and Draco and keep lunch down afterwards!

The idea of Harry and an as yet, unintroduced Slytherin girl, is kind of interesting, but I still think JKR, with as many twists and turns as she takes with some things, probably won't match Harry with someone who her readers are not attached to already. There series is over the half-way mark with two books to go. I think characters will become more developed, and there may be a few new introductions, but the existing budding relationships will stand.
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Postby zledm007 » Sunday 17 August 2003 3:34:04am

i agree w/ you rev, it is too late in the series to introduce anyone too imporrtant. haryy will end up w/ someone already there because he is the central character and everyhing he does seems to be at the least important if not pivitol in the series. also, a little off topic, anything big that happens from now on will be w/ someone already established on the series.
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Postby Colin » Sunday 17 August 2003 5:30:25am

When this poll first started, I voted for "Spmeone else".

Now, I think that Ginny looks like the best candidate. The fact that she can talk to him now is a good start, and the two of them have been touched by Voldemort.
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Postby azn wizard » Wednesday 3 September 2003 11:39:56pm

yes...and she as an extra side-kick, although i wuz thinking maybe she and neville would work too
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