Explanations You Would Want Revealed by Book 6 (poll)

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Explanations You Would Want Revealed by Book 6

Why Peter Pettigrew Betrayed the Potters.
The Connection Between Godric Gryffindor and Godric Hollow.
What the Potters did for Dumbledore during the Dark Lord's first reign.
Everything about the Department of Mysteries.
A hint for a way to kill the Dark Lord.
Total votes : 144

Postby Hagger 9003 » Thursday 14 April 2005 4:37:14pm

yeh, but i still think that he had something beyond his parents. he didnt know much about them. bein bullied can change you drastically. i should kno. after bein bullied, i came to a new school, and now have been changed greatly. before, i had no friends. now, i do have them. i can see voldie bein bullied in the orphanage. to put it simply, what else would happen to a kid who was different, who had strange powers. he would be excluded at the very least, and almost certainly bullied. how would it be different? if you are different, you wouldnt be left alone. an orphanage would be a dog eat dog environment. i dont see how he couldnt be bullied. and i do see that that would have made him stronger. he would have become more bitter, and it would have changed him greatly. if you are bullied, you can become a bully. he is now a big bully. everyone is petrified of him. they dont even speak his name. he knows how to scare, to intimidate, because once he was scared and intimidated. but he has changed because of it.
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Postby Cedric » Thursday 14 April 2005 4:53:50pm

Hagger 9003 wrote:if you are bullied, you can become a bully. he is now a big bully. everyone is petrified of him. they dont even speak his name. he knows how to scare, to intimidate, because once he was scared and intimidated. but he has changed because of it.

Dudly was never bullied in his life and he's a bully. Harry was bullied all his life and he's NOT a bully.

The only reason everyone is petrified of Voldemort is because he's so powerful and anyone who gets in his way or doesn't help him, he kills...so I would be too.

They don't speak his name because Voldemort is part of the Dark Magic that people fear. He knows how to scare people because he knows how to not because he's been scared his whole life. He's powerful. He knows this. And he knows how to use it to his advantage to get what he wants. And the biggest reason people are scared of him is because of that reason and because if they don't fear and help him, like i said above, he'll kill'em.
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 14 April 2005 6:50:50pm

Hagger 9003 wrote:I can see voldie bein bullied in the orphanage. to put it simply, what else would happen to a kid who was different, who had strange powers. he would be excluded at the very least, and almost certainly bullied. how would it be different? if you are different, you wouldnt be left alone. an orphanage would be a dog eat dog environment. i dont see how he couldnt be bullied. and i do see that that would have made him stronger. he would have become more bitter, and it would have changed him greatly. if you are bullied, you can become a bully. he is now a big bully. everyone is petrified of him. they dont even speak his name. he knows how to scare, to intimidate, because once he was scared and intimidated. but he has changed because of it.

You really haven't read the books much have you. Tom Riddle wasn't the bullied, he wasn't even a bully. He was too smart to let either happen. He had plans, and he wasn't going to let anything get in his way. Orphanages sucked. You were poor, you were hungry, you were cold, and you were alone no matter how many people were around you. kids in orphanages had nothing to hold over anyone else so they couldn't see anyone as different.

As far as the magic is concerned; his wouldn;t have manifested until early puberty, like any other witch or wizard; and if it did, it would have been subtle, nothing spectacular since he didn't have the focus to do so until Hogwarts. If anything, having an ability to do things wouldn have gotten him more used than anything else, since everyone needed something, they would have turned to the magical kid.

Once more, since you don't seem to be paying attention. HE... WAS... LIKED. He was handsome and sociable, even muggle children respond to that. He knew how to play them. If an orphanage is dog eat dog, he would have been the one getting other kids to bully other kids who offended him somehow.

Has Harry become a differnet person since entering Hogwarts, has Ron, has Hermione, has Draco, has anyone. Did you develop into a whole new person when you entered thisnew school, or did you just learn how to make friends. Riddle was always the person we know him to be. Bitter, angry, vengeful. He hated his father for abandoning him. He hated muggles for being weak and inferior. Hogwarts gave him the skills he needed to perpetuate the evil, but the bullying came from his own heart, from being poor, from being cold, from being hungry, and knowing that someone left him that way. Bullying was a non-issue
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 17 April 2005 7:27:28am

Calm down... he just offered his opinion....

Right, umm yeah Riddle just seemed to come off as someone liked by most people. You never know though, no matter how smart someone is, if a bully wanted to hurt you and he was big enough, and you aren't magical or anything, I'm sure he could find a way. Especially bullies that are only hurting people because nobody likes them so it doesn't matter.
I don't think we'll ever find out what happened to him in the orphanage, it doesn't seem too important. People's childhoods do sort've shape what they grow up to be though. He must've had quite an interesting one I suppose. Maybe we will learn more...
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Sunday 17 April 2005 4:41:59pm

this is just my opinion tanuki. its not that important.

look, the books never mention anything about tom being ultra popular. at hogwarts, definitely, he was popular. but what about that stops him being bullied before in his life? i was bullied, and teased, ignored for most of my life. i went to holland, with a completely new start. my life changed. but i still remember being bullied. i still have that sort of hate inside me. that is why i think that tom was bullied. if he wasnt, then why was he so bitter? why did he hate muggles with such a fevour? even if he had a bad childhood, i cant see that being normal for him. i mean, many people have bad childhoods. they dont usually start up a radical, lethal, group of racist lunatics bent on genocide. i am just suggesting a reason for what voldie does in his life. that is all i think is feasible. just the fact that he was abandoned doesnt mean he would become a killer. orphans dont all do that. if they did, this world would not be safe.
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Postby Cedric » Sunday 17 April 2005 7:25:55pm

Remember when in OotP, they were talking about "the weapon" that they didn't want Voldemort to get...did they reveal what it was yet? I remember Harry thinking it was him, but I want to say (I don't have my books here just in case I've missed something) that at the end, he realized it wasn't him. Was it the prophecy? Or have we not found it out yet?
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Postby Tween_Luv » Sunday 17 April 2005 7:33:54pm

it was the prophecy. the prophecy would tell voldemort that either he or harry would die, but the other one would kill him, something like that. but the prophecy was the weapon. :)
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Postby Cedric » Sunday 17 April 2005 8:44:47pm

I was wondering...I'm at college so I don't have my books with me. And the only way to get things done about Harry Potter is ask!

I was just thinking about this, what if the next Minister of Magic works for the dark side? I don't know if anythings been said about this matter but we deffinatly know its not Mr. Weasly although, many of us would like to see that happen.
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Postby Tween_Luv » Sunday 17 April 2005 9:05:09pm

i doubt that the next minister well be on the dark side, before the fifth books, it would be VERY possible that Luscious Malfoy (sp?) would be the next Prime MInister, but not its not possible. i think that it'll probably be a good minister.

And, i'm in college to. :) Although i still live at home (i'm 13 so i can't move inot a dorm)
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Postby Cedric » Sunday 17 April 2005 11:30:38pm

WHAT?! 13 and in college...wow nice. Yeah the Minister thing just crossed my mind as I was typing my last post. It would definatly make things interesting...but I guess it'd kinda run into Fudge since he was a bad Minister...not exactly a bad person just oblivious to certain events around him. I guess you could say he only had a keen insight into the obvious.
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Postby Tween_Luv » Monday 18 April 2005 1:27:32am

hmmm. yeah, i doubt the minister will be Dumbledore either. he's declined the job to many times already.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 19 April 2005 5:47:36am

Yeah he's probably got too much stuff on his plate anyway. And with the whole wizarding world now knowing LV is back, I don't think it'll be a dark wizard either. Though he could be a sort of spy I suppose, can't rule it out. Do you think we know the person?
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Saturday 14 May 2005 11:28:07pm

I want to no more about the Potters because nothing has been explained about why they were targeted in the first place!!!
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Postby Cedric » Sunday 15 May 2005 8:28:01pm

I think there are two reasons. One, Voldemort learned about the prophecy and thought of Harry so he went to kill him. Second, Lilly and James refused to go to his side and if you refuse Voldemort, he kills you.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 16 May 2005 6:08:25am

I was fairly sure it was about the prophecy. I can't believe that Voldemort would even try to win over the Potters. He knew they weren't going to join him, that's why he got Pettigrew to spy.
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