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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 7 April 2006 9:58:15am

I don't know if JKR thinks about porous v non-porous stuff but I think it might be the blood stained axe. Who knows it could be the blood stained axe that took Nearly Headless Nick's head half off. I don't know though maybe something else could be in there. I vaguely remember there were cups in there.
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Re: hi

Postby horcrux hunter911 » Tuesday 18 July 2006 3:47:55pm

post_baseball89 wrote:hey in HBP, DD tells harry that voldemort is afraid of the dark....just thought it was cool to know


yeah I remember that he also said that Voldemort is secretly afraid of the dead too
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Postby Chimera » Wednesday 19 July 2006 2:16:13am

I think it's death he fears rather than the dead, but the dead are an excellent representation of death.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 7 August 2006 1:55:48pm

I dunno something about this fearing death doesn't seem to hold true for me at the moment and this might be a real "simple" question but...

If LV was afraid of death why does he kill? :???: :???:
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Postby Chimera » Monday 7 August 2006 10:48:05pm

Because he assumes that everyone else is afraid of death.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 8 August 2006 7:12:57pm

But that isn't a reason to kill them though, kill someone because they fear death because he should allow himself to be killed if that were the case. I guess you could say he kills because they won't join him etc but what I mean is what is it about death that he fears?

Is it the actual dying bit?
Is it the gore? - probably not I think
Is it that he just wants to be around forever?
Is it that he actually fears that someone else is more powerful than him and could kill him?

I'm inclined to think it's the last one but then that means that it's not death he fears but power.
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Postby Chimera » Tuesday 8 August 2006 8:57:55pm

It's the unknown, he's scared of change unless it's a change that he can control and predict the outcome of.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 10 August 2006 11:32:38am

Yeah I like that, that's good!! :grin:
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Postby Alexandra » Wednesday 16 August 2006 12:24:55am

Harry is not an horcrux
why would he make him a horcrux if he inteded to kill him
i think that LV made Nagini a horcrux when he killed that old man bcs at that time he thaught thats the final one
he couldnt make a wormtails hand a horcrux bcs he didnt kill cedrik
i dont think that any of the Death Eaters has any of his horcruxes bcs he wouldnt trust such a thing to anybody and DD said that LV thinks that no one but him knows about his horcuxes
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 16 August 2006 10:27:10am

Actually I hadn't thought of wormtails hand ever being a horcrux but I agree with you on that definitely not one for the same reason that you said.

In terms of people knowing or not, it's definitely a matter for debate I still think some of them knew maybe Bella as she said "he trusted me with his most..." or something like that anyway
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Postby Alexandra » Wednesday 16 August 2006 10:08:02pm

yes but she said that bcs she was angry
she believed that she is the most reliable and loyal Death Eater
i still think that LV didnt say to any one about horcruxes
he likes to work alone and he wouldnt trust sth like that to no-one
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 17 August 2006 12:08:33pm

Hmm but he also likes to boast a bit about how good he is and if he wants to show people how powerful he is etc.

Let's face it he is not exactly 100% stable and that's possibly because of his childhood experiences. He has many inconsistencies.
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Postby Alexandra » Thursday 17 August 2006 11:41:51pm

i still claim that he didnt show that to anyone
didnt DD said that LV thinks he is the only who knows for horcruxes?? :???:
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 18 August 2006 3:04:24pm

Yeah but it wouldn't be the first time DD was wrong about something.

He misjudged Tom when he was little.
He had suspicions but never acted on them.
He was also not very truthful to Harry umpteen times about the past which actually resulted in Sirius's death
He stupidly allowed Snape to teach Harry Occlumency - well as we saw that was a great success!

Sorry to attack DD for those DD lovers out there, I was fond of him too but it just goes to show that even great wizards make mistakes - I think that's what JKR wants us to understand from him too - none of us are invincible.
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Postby Alexandra » Saturday 19 August 2006 12:07:32am

i give up
i am 1000% sure that none of the Death Eaters knows about horcruxes(except maybe Snape) but you have right on your own oppinion oppinion
i was glad when DD died and when he made mistakes bcs everyone thought he has the answer to everything
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