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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 17 March 2003 4:42:37pm

the photos move, but they have already happened, they don't move because it's a rolling camera, a boggart could be caught on film in it's true form, but boggarts live in the dark and run from light, so, all the film would be is a black room
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 17 March 2003 9:48:18pm

yes but the caught on camera images are able to move around, talk, see, interact with the people looking at them, curl their hair.....etc....

i mean, harry got a photo taken but his caught on camera image did its very best to stay out of the photo

so i think a caught on camera image of a boggart would just interact with the viewer in the same way a real live boggart would
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Postby Hermione » Tuesday 18 March 2003 12:48:43am

Could you get a boggart on film? I think if you caught it on film it would only be reacting to one person, right? So wouldn't you see what that person saw when he was watching the boggart? I don't think it's possible for a boggart on film to react to a person outside of the film watching it. I imagine wizard photos as being something like our videos . . .

Argh, I'm confusing myself . . .
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 18 March 2003 8:11:26am

I agree with Hermione, and, as i have said before, BOGGARTS LIKE DARK PLACES, even with a flash, the boggart would have sensed the photographer and it's fear and transformed, besides JKR says specificaly in book 3 that a boggart has never been seen in it's true form, and i'm sure this is true, and i'm sure that there have been wizards (like muggles who sit around and figure out math equations) trying to catch a boggart in natural form, but, JKR has said that this has never been successful, so that is why i think that it is impossible to catch a boggart in true form
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 16 June 2003 12:02:10pm

I'm not sure why, but I always assumed them to be a kind of dark, mist like thing... like black fog or something, in their natural form???
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 17 June 2003 4:18:41pm

maybe, but when harry is going through dementor training at the beggining of the chapter the thing in the suitcase has legs sticking out in the picture, or am i imagining things
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 17 June 2003 4:37:27pm

the picture, now I'm confused... I re-read over the bit where Lupin brings inthe boggart for Harry to pratice the dementor training though, and there were no legs???

*unless I totally missed then, which is possible, since it's 1.30am!!!*
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 17 June 2003 4:42:37pm

no no no no no, it doesn't mention legs in the text, but in the american version, at the beggining of every chapter there is a little picture that usually has somthing to do with the chapter, and i think that it was a suitcase with legs and arms sticking out of it

please, if i'm wrong, someone correct me
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:02:20am

my boggart would be a poisonous snake
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Postby Nothlit » Sunday 29 June 2003 9:06:17pm

12321 wrote:at the beggining of every chapter there is a little picture that usually has somthing to do with the chapter, and i think that it was a suitcase with legs and arms sticking out of it

It looks like the hand of a dementor sticking out of the suitcase, if you ask me. The suitcase is open in the picture, so the boggart would have already transformed into Harry's biggest fear...a dementor.
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Postby Kaizer » Sunday 13 July 2003 3:47:46pm

mine would take a swarm of bees or wasps
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Postby highsorcerer » Friday 8 August 2003 6:09:12am

The more intangible the fear, the less power a boggart has to work with. It's easy to be scared of spiders or snakes or tangible things. Some intangible things are also easy to be afraid of (suppose Harry's boggart had been a Cho Chang laughing at him and saying she'd never be attracted to him).

Harry's abstract fear of fear, and Hermoine's fear of failure have been reprsented. However, the more abstract the fear, the harder it is for both a boggart to assume it's shape, and the harder it is to resist. Harry was prepared and found a way to resist, but Hermoine did not.

I've gone through both my greatest fears; failure and incompetance. Despite everything, I've lived through them, getting needed help when I had to get it. I talked to my doctor about it. I have a good one who will listen to the problems instead of just the medical items. He said I was the only person to realize that being a doctor required more than medical knowledge; it took business skills, which they don't teach in medical school. Leases, medical equipment, nurses, and drugs are something they don't teach in medical school.

Harry is a great wizard because he understands his failings, and worked hard to overcome them. Hermoinie's only weakness is a failure to understand that book learning isn't the end-all solution. I think her failure at the battle of the department of mysteries will teach her a lot.
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Postby anthony » Saturday 9 August 2003 6:59:51am

well mad eye saw one in the 5th book

remember when he saw through the door

and then told molly that there wasa boggart

in the closet!!

how dose that sound??
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Postby highsorcerer » Saturday 9 August 2003 7:18:13am

Moody understands his own fears, and was able to confirm it was a boggart because he saw his own greatest fear in the closet.

Mollly knew her greatest fears was the loss of her loved ones, but was unable to handle it. She cares deeply for her family, even Percy (who rejected them), and Harry (who isn't blood related).

Lupin understood Harry's greatest fear was fear, which he said was very wise. Harry didn't understand it at the time, but as he grows up, he should relize his priorties are straight. He's conquered tangible representations of fear (Quirrell, Tom Riddle, Sirius and Peter, Volemorrt), but overcame them all.
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Postby Devinci » Monday 11 August 2003 2:40:56am

My boggart would be Nelly....*runs screaming*

I always pictures boggarts as wisps of light, but...I think that's a miscalculation due to a great fanfiction I read once where Sirius was contemplating WHY lupins boggart was a shiny pie just stuck. O_o Guess I should rethink that... :o
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