by highsorcerer » Friday 8 August 2003 6:09:12am
The more intangible the fear, the less power a boggart has to work with. It's easy to be scared of spiders or snakes or tangible things. Some intangible things are also easy to be afraid of (suppose Harry's boggart had been a Cho Chang laughing at him and saying she'd never be attracted to him).
Harry's abstract fear of fear, and Hermoine's fear of failure have been reprsented. However, the more abstract the fear, the harder it is for both a boggart to assume it's shape, and the harder it is to resist. Harry was prepared and found a way to resist, but Hermoine did not.
I've gone through both my greatest fears; failure and incompetance. Despite everything, I've lived through them, getting needed help when I had to get it. I talked to my doctor about it. I have a good one who will listen to the problems instead of just the medical items. He said I was the only person to realize that being a doctor required more than medical knowledge; it took business skills, which they don't teach in medical school. Leases, medical equipment, nurses, and drugs are something they don't teach in medical school.
Harry is a great wizard because he understands his failings, and worked hard to overcome them. Hermoinie's only weakness is a failure to understand that book learning isn't the end-all solution. I think her failure at the battle of the department of mysteries will teach her a lot.