Hermione's prejudice?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Devinci » Monday 4 August 2003 1:16:05am

Hermione's views on House elves really reminds me of PETA.

They scream and scream about not being cruel to animals (I agree) And how people should take care of the creatures that share this earth, and cease all the exploitation(aka Factory farming and needless scientific experimentation, again, I agree)

BUT, then they start saying "You should never keep animals inside" Um, okay? I live in New York City, Go on Muffin, go outside and play, BE FREE.....oh, shoot. That's the fifth cat I've lost this week.

They also go on to say Zoo's are inhumane :???: Sure, having all the Siberian Tigers in the wild would be nice, but...um, they're getting poached to extinction....I think Zoo's can, be tolerated for the time being.

Hermione wants to protect the house elves to the end, but she doesn't realize the...well, true reality of the world she's living in. I dunno, it just, made perfect sense to me.

:o :o :o
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Tuesday 5 August 2003 2:20:11am

maybe she isn't prejudice towards cenatuars but rather she doesn't want to admit that the art of divination really does exist.
The thing about the house elf's i think her hearts in the right place but I think JKR is using Hermione as an example that yuo should listen to both sides of a story and not doing something just b/c you want something to change the other side should want it too.Maybe something will happen and she relizes that SPEW may not be a good thing unless house-elfs want it.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 12 August 2003 3:02:15am

Hermione comes from a modern, western, muggle society. In those kind of societies, equality is very important. Sometimes, people from that kind of society, however, go to extreme lengths to enforce their policy of equality on others, even though they might not like it.

Hermione is not an evil predjudiced person, she just also doesn't believe in divination at all, so in her eyes, anyone who practices it is silly. So to show her distain for Firenze and Divination she calls him an insulting name (well to him anyway) a horse, to show her dislike for the subject. I am sure she knows very well that Firenze is more than a horse, and more than a human half-breed, but had no other way to show her hatred for the art of Divination
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