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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 26 February 2003 6:38:53pm

just thought I'd ask this question here.....its rather confusing and has me going round in circles

1. If a person's greatest fear is a boggart what will they see when they meet a boggart??
2. If a person is afraid of heights what does the boggart become??
3. If a person has claustrophobia (sp??) what does the boggart turn into??

well as for me I'm at a complete loss for 2 and 3 those are my questions....

but for number 1, it was posed on another forum and I'm of the opinion that the person is afraid of a boggart because they are afraid of what it'll become which means that they aren't really afraid of the boggart, they are afraid of the scary thing they originally thought it would become so it'll still take that form

see....its confused me already, just end up going round in circles....anyway, anyone else got any thoughts on the matter

i love this topic, its so brilliant because its so impossible to explain without getting lost

and last question (if you feel like giving an answer)

4. What would your boggart become?

well I'm as bad as Ron, mines got to be a giant spider
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Postby ElvenMist » Wednesday 26 February 2003 11:43:19pm

okay... my answers...

1. er, i have no idea!! lolol... prolly just a shape that shifts from shape to shape at confusingly rapid speeds...

2. prolly a picture of what you see when you look down a sheer cliff...

3. it prolyl comes close and wraps itself around the person. or perhaps turns into a closet. or maybe... spam! lol...

4. lol... i'm afraid of non-material things... being stuck underwater and probably being forced to watch horror movies. so i don't know exactly what mind would be... :/

everybody else answer the ques- i wanna hear everyoen's thoughts!!
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Postby RavenEye » Thursday 27 February 2003 4:47:07am

1. not sure. but remember, no one knows what a boggart's true form is.

2. dunno on that...what elven said.

3. that's a toughie

4. hmmm...that's hard. i hate being stuck underwater like elven, too. but i don't like spiders...they're alot of things it could turn into really. i'd have to think about it.
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Postby Hermione » Monday 3 March 2003 2:45:16pm

Sonkem, I think you have the right idea about the first question. I'll just restate it for the sake of restating things, if you don't mind. :D

People who are afraid of boggarts are probably so afraid of whatever the boggart will turn into that they don't want to think about it and place their fear on the boggart instead. The boggart probably knows better, and so will turn into the person's original fear, regardless.

I don't know about questions 2 & 3, but if a person were scared of heights or claustrophobic, I don't think that those would be their absolute greatest fears. For instance, I'm scared of heights, but my greatest fear is something quite different.

What would the boggart turn into for me? That's easy. My old piano teacher, who'd scream, throw things across the room, and fling my hands against the piano as if she were trying to make sure I could never play piano again. Evil woman. :grin:
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Postby RavenEye » Monday 3 March 2003 10:41:35pm

lol. sorry you had to go through that. :grin:
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Postby Hermione » Monday 3 March 2003 11:00:24pm

It's all better now, though. I have a nice piano teacher, and I recently won third place at a competition. Yay!!!
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Postby RavenEye » Monday 3 March 2003 11:42:08pm

Good for you! :grin:
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Postby Beccaroo » Tuesday 4 March 2003 11:16:24am

Elvenmist - are you a monty python fan? SCHA SCHA
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Postby MikeT » Tuesday 4 March 2003 6:49:58pm

1. the boggart would explode! ;)
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Postby TDM » Saturday 15 March 2003 3:04:50am

1. it's true form, whatever it is.
2. most likely the person hallucinates, seeing themselves up high
3. like number 2, except an enclosed space
4. myself. mostly because i have no need to fear anything else.
5. My question: If someone taped a boggart, and a group of people watched the tape, would they see the boggart's true form, or would everyone see what they feared most?
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 15 March 2003 1:57:58pm

interesting very good question.....or would they see what the tape recorder feared most....which would probly be something like fire or
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Sunday 16 March 2003 5:06:45am

or would they see what the filmer feared most
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Postby TDM » Monday 17 March 2003 4:25:11am

well, what i meant by the camera question was this:

If someone placed a camera in an area where the boggart could see no one, and no one was acutally doing the filiming, it was just a camera, would the group watching the tape later see the true form of the boggart, their own personal fears, or just nothing at all?
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 17 March 2003 6:57:03am

ggood question, i'll have to think about this one for a while
i don't think they would see what a boggart would turn into if face to face with them, because it already happened if it is on tape
a boggart is no a projection of fear, but a shapeshifter that focuses on fear to frighten enemies, so, in essence, i believe a boggart could be taped in it's true form, however boggarts like the dark, so the film wouldn't pick up a non-iluminated boggart

AHHHHH a paradox
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 17 March 2003 10:35:11am

no know the way wizard photos work....maybe it would work like that and the caught on camera image of the boggart would still be able to change for whoever looked at it.....
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