Harry Potter "Miracles"

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 21 May 2008 9:05:14am

What has the series done for you? Has it opened your eyes to some greater good, or something, or just made your life more enjoyable? Because I know there are two things that this series has done for me.

When I was in second grade, I was a moderate reader, not good, not bad, but moderate. Then I received a Christmas present from a relative. It was a book entitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It took me a while to read it, but I eventually did. I loved the book and everything about it, even if at the time I couldn't read 1/4th of the words. Then my mom got me Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I read through that masterpiece in half the time that it took me to read HP1. At the end of the second book, my vocabulary had increased dramatically, and I never missed a word on spelling tests. Then I went to 3rd grade. I finally saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in the public library (mean old school librarian wouldn't let me check it out of School Library). I zoomed through that book, not because it was easy, but because it was so good. I learned several new words that time around. In the middle of reading HP3, I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on the shelves at Wal-Mart. After I finished HP3, I tried to get HP4 from the school library. The librarian had seen me reading HP3, and this time around she let me check it out. I read through it like a madman, and it is still today my favorite novel.

After that, I had to wait for what seemed like ever for Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix to come out. But those previous Harry Potter books skyrocketed my reading level to #1 in my class for 3 straight years. I was actually considered to be the smartest student in my second smartest kid in my second grade class, only having one rival.

My second "miracle" has had more of an impact on my life. A short while after Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (which is my least favorite HP novel) realeased, I moved. After I moved, I met a friend who liked HP as much as me. In the end, he and I decided to write our own separate Novels (which I'm still editing mine, and he's working on his). I had several influences, my friend, my teachers, but most of all, it was the series that I loved so much, Harry Potter. Without Harry Potter, I'd probably be a stupid kid with no life whatsoever, pouring all of my time into video games. I would probably have no friends, and I'd probably hate my life, not knowing why. I probably wouldn't be trying my best in academic studies, and I'd most likely be one of those kids laughing at those who pursue academic greatness, and not knowing where my life will take me.

But I have friends who share my interests. I enjoy reading and writing above many other interests. I'm taking two advanced classes this year and more next year. I also know what I want in life. I know Harry Potter might grow old in the minds of some, but to me, the legend will live forever, because of what it did for me.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 21 May 2008 2:13:37pm

That is one impressive post!

Harry Potter has been around since... I think 1995? I'm not sure.. but I only got into it 2003. The first 4 books were out, and I read them all in a month! I rushed them of course, as I had to borrow them, then I went really nuts after that.

My bday that year was a HP theme party
I wrote a play which I directed for my school's 25th anniversary called "Harry Potter and the 25th anniversary" aka.. (the chamber of secrets, which was out in movies that year)
I held games nights and theme nights surrounding HP
I made a cloak and dressed up for movie premiers
I lined up early in the morning for the release of the Order of the Phoenix and incidently scored one of the original crates!

but... the miracle for me is the PASSION it has created for me. to write, to read, to converse, to investigate, to explore, to imagine, to open my eyes, to imagine!

HP is trully a legend and I thank JK for bringing it to us!
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby DucksRMagical » Wednesday 21 May 2008 3:29:48pm

I also plowed through the first 4 HP books in a month. I was 11 and GoF had just been released. My best friend was reading GoF and she told me to start reading SS, so I did and I loved it. Thus began my huge obsession with HP. :lol:

Harry Potter is the one book that everyone in my family absolutely loves. We can talk about it for hours on end, even now that all of them have been released. :grin:

When my siblings and I were younger, we used to play Harry Potter. It was fun. We'd go down in the basement and write with quills and ink. I was Hermione, youknowwho was Harry, Godric was Ron :lol: , and Fawkes was Ginny. We even pretended to play Quidditch.

Harry Potter has also made me love to write fiction. Granted, I really only write fan fic, but it's fun. The only story I have ever completed is fan fic. But I'm hoping one day that I'll have an original idea and maybe get it published.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby *Riley* » Friday 23 May 2008 12:03:57pm

Well I think I was 11.. I'm now 12 :wink:

I wasn't even born when the first few books came out but I was able to read them and understand more.

My love for English is ... Hmmm MARVELLOUS ! I am writing a few stories right now, ask Distortia :lol:

In my spelling tests I am perfect :razz: :double jump: :jump: :double jump: :jump:

Hmmm No One Understands My Need For Words.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 22 June 2008 8:03:32pm

i was 4 when hp came into my life........ i couldn't read so i listened to them on tape in the car. the climax of the 4th book was extremely realistic when your half asleep while listening to in the dark.......
anyway, if harry potter hadn't been a part of my life, i don't think i would have been very enthusiastic about reading. i wouldn't have gotten such an extensive vocabulary and certainly would never have been inspired to expand it even more with words like infintesimal and shrouded. hp also taught me the importance of love, trust, and friendship. not to mention an undying love of fantasy that i still cherish today.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby *Riley* » Monday 23 June 2008 9:05:59am

Cool !

lol, I was usually good at English but I think I really did improve.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby salemboy » Monday 23 June 2008 4:24:47pm

I like spelling a whole lot, mainly because I'm the only one in my family who can spell. If my family asks anybody, they ask me first. And normally I spell it correctly. The only time I don't is when I'm ticked at the person :grin: . Sadly, we no longer have spelling tests at my school :-( .

But I absolutely love writing novels! Hey, *Riley*, you like writing books, right? You should sign up for NanoWrimo. It's an awesome contest, where during the month of november, all participants go into a writing frenzy of writing a 50,000 word novel in one month. It's all honor system, but whoever makes 50,000 words gets a little certificate saying that they participated and won. Best part? You get help and encouragement along the way thanks to a forum, and once a week you get an e-mail, sometimes from a famous author. One time, they sent out an e-mail from Garth Nix. That was a nice letter.

Anyway, you should sign up for it. Also, anyone wanting to have a blast should sign up. You can sign up for free at http://www.nanowrimo.org. They even have a Junior Nanowrimo for little tykes like you, *Riley*. :razz:

Oh, and tell me if you sign up, please. I need more people to correspond with about Nanowrimo than a school teacher and a librarian.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 23 June 2008 6:45:00pm

I read about that on the harrypotterfanfiction.com forum. It sounds like a lot of fun! I'll probably sign up for this year's one. 50,000 words is a lot! I don't know if I'll be able to manage since November is during the school year and the end of the semester so I'll be swamped with studying, but I'll try! I wish they had on in June or July.

I'll have to tell Fawkes about that, too. I bet she'd love to do it, but she'd still be in the junior's one.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 23 June 2008 7:29:48pm

just joined the nanowrimo! can't wait for november!
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby salemboy » Tuesday 24 June 2008 10:04:24am

Don't feel downcast if you don't make 50,000 words. Last time, I made about one tenth of that :grin: . This time, though, I'm going to finish :typing: . My username is salemboy94. Add me to your writing buddies by going to the Authors link on the home page, type my username into the searchbar, and add me as a buddy from my profile page.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 24 June 2008 9:14:03pm

okeydokey! my user is Rain_is_liquid_Moonlight.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby *Riley* » Wednesday 25 June 2008 8:52:26am

Scrap anything that I've said !!

I'm Riley_11 on the junior NanoWrimo site ...
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 25 June 2008 2:39:59pm

I have found an unforseen problem. I can't add Junior Nanowrimos as my writing buddies. Oh, well. We're able to correspond on this website.
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 26 June 2008 5:10:47pm

ahh, man.......... well, we still have beloved bao!
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Re: Harry Potter "Miracles"

Postby salemboy » Thursday 26 June 2008 5:27:50pm

True, true. Anyway, I can't wait to see the ideas you guys come up with. I'm thinking doing a prequel to a book I've already written. Yeah, this year, I'll write Red Falcon. Can't wait for November.
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