7/7/07 Release

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7/7/07 Release

Postby horcrux hunter911 » Sunday 16 July 2006 8:15:57pm

there are a lot of rumors that the 7th HP will come on the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year since we all know that 7 is a powerful number. Any thoughts?
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Postby Chimera » Sunday 16 July 2006 8:29:22pm

It might be a wee bit inappropriate, what with that thing about a whole load of people getting blown up.
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Postby sorcerer83 » Sunday 16 July 2006 11:31:49pm

yes specifically: the teror attacks on the trains in london in 2005 i think
from what people here said it was supposed to be on that date but because of that, it was pustponed to 13/07/07
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Postby kp-peanut » Monday 14 August 2006 4:51:02pm

People WANT it to be released on the 07/07/07 because, yes, of the fact of it being magical or whatever but JK Rowling wishes to finish it by the end of this year and publish it the next summer but with the scheduled release of the 5th Harry Potter movie on July 13th this makes it seem unlikely as it would be too much for their to be a book and a movie to watch at the same time. And yeah she may get a lot of criticism because of releasing it on the terror attack date.

Apparently the book is going to contain a lot of back story about the Potter's because it's all about the final horcruxes and so forth...The Sorting Hat is not a horcrux but in the final book there is more to it then most people thought. Aunt Petunia had never performed magic, never will, but the letter left with harry on the doorstep when he was one year old is not the only letter dumbledore has sent her.

"Dumbledore's guesses are never very far wide of the mark. I don't want to give too much away here, but Dumbledore says, 'There are four out there, you've got to get rid of four, and then you go for Voldemort.' So that's where he is, and that's what he's got to do." – JK Rowling

"So it would be 'Harry Potter: Episode One'. [Laughter]. No, but a lot of people have asked that. It is all George Lucas's fault. You won't need a prequel; by the time I am finished, you will know enough. I think it would be shamelessly exploitative to do that. I am sure that Mr Lucas is doing it only for artistic reasons, but in my case I think that by the time you have had the seven books you will know everything you need to know for the story." – JK Rowling, when asked if a prequel would follow book 7
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Postby sorcerer83 » Friday 18 August 2006 2:52:20pm

i wonder if ppl will start writing (if they havent already started) al sorts of prequals and background books of their own, like in dragon lance (if thats how its called in english)
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Postby Mafalda Weasley » Monday 2 October 2006 2:08:28pm

I think a part of our human nature wants the last book to be released sooner rather than later, that's just common sense. As much as I would love to have read Book Seven by this time next year, I don't think it'll happen.

Firstly. - The London Bombings, it would be seen as disrespectful and would also be very insensitive to overshadow the rememberence of the victims if Harry Potter took centre stage.

Secondly - the OotP movie is set to be released a mere six days after the rumoured release of the book. That would be a marketing meltdown for their profit margins, not to mention a media Potter overload.

Thirdly - I think that JKR will take her time with this one. It's the end of an era for her, she wouldn't want to make any mistakes with it. Plus now she has three children, one very small. It'd be way too hard to have it finished by December.

Having said that maybe (excuse the pun) JKR could work her magic and have it completed.

Either way, I'm happy to wait.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 3 October 2006 2:41:22pm

You know I wouldn't be surprised if while she was writing the last book, she would also be writing her encyclopaedia. I mean when you're writing away, you must have thoughts, "Oh that should be explained elsewhere" but you might not necessarily have a place to put it in. Does that make sense!!?

I'm with Mafalda, I agree it won't be til the end of next year for one or the other. I hope the book is first but somehow think it will be the film.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 4 October 2006 2:21:37am

What a horrible pun... working her magic... brr.. :-) .

A part of me think that if it isn't released by the end of June next year, it won't be until at least mid-August or mid-September.

I think July is too busy.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Wednesday 4 October 2006 6:01:03am

If it's gunna be released in June next year...we'd know by December...which doesn't giv JK long to finish.

I reckon, next Christmas...or maybe September/October...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 4 October 2006 6:45:13am

I don't know.. I can't help thinking she's quite far into it.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 4 October 2006 9:58:23am

Yeah, it does seem like she's a good way into it, I agree but then she has so many loose ends to tidy up that I reckon she'll write the skeleton book and then go over it again adding the fleshy bits to it.

I just hope it's a massive book!!!!
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Thursday 5 October 2006 8:07:40am

Me 2!! It'd suck if it was shorter than GoF.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 October 2006 11:44:39am

It won't be as long as OoTP probably.. but hoooopefully longer than GoF and definitely longer than HBP.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 6 October 2006 12:45:16am

I really hope it's longer than HBP, I felt short changed when I got HBP and I was disappointed it was not as big OOTP. I would love it to be longer or roughly the same size as OOTP at least but only if it was all action. I found that the first 100 pages or so in OOTP were a bit of a waste and there wasn't much to entertain me - it went over so much old ground. With that in mind I actually find it hard to pick it up and read it from the beginning. Maybe I'm a bit harsh though :???:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 7 October 2006 6:14:43am

I don't think you're being harsh.. OoTP was I think, a bit unnecessarily long in some places.

I'd like to see the 7th Book that long but necessarily.
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