The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works

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The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works

Postby gecko » Saturday 2 August 2003 12:18:58pm

I was in Vancouver the week before this (vacation), and I was in a bookstore ('chapters', wow, now that's a bookstore I'd like to see over here too!). I was walking around a bit, looking at the science books, when I saw a book called: 'The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works' ... 39-2646439

It is written, and I quote from the said website: ' "to show how many elements of her books can be found in and explained by modern science." '
I was wondering if anybody here has read it, and if so, if it was worth your money?! I didn't buy it at the time, because I had other things to buy, and I didn't (and don't) have an unlimited supply of money :P !

What do you think about it, if you've read it or not?
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Postby Hermione » Monday 4 August 2003 4:55:02pm

I haven't read it yet, but it sounds fascinating. I suggest going to, however. If you call up a search on the book title, you might be able to preview some pages on the book.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 5 August 2003 2:00:04am

cool, that sounds like a very interesting book
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Postby Hermy » Tuesday 5 August 2003 8:14:48am

I am reading it right now! It is really cool actually, it's a popular Science book but related to the stuff that happens in Harry Potter. For example, linking in genetic modification of animals and the developmental processes that occur during development ofthe feotus to the magical beasts. It also has stuff about how broomsticks were thought to be linked to witchcraft and what elements of food we actually taste and if Bertie Botts Every Flavour Bean would be a possibility.

It is really good if you have an interest in Science.
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 5 August 2003 1:02:38pm

Nice! There's a few other books I'm going to buy first, but this certainly will be on my list of wanted items ! Thanks!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 8 August 2003 4:20:59am

I just bought the book today after retreating to the book shop to cool down after a row with my mom...he he...I found it behind a bunch of OotP's, and since I just read this thread this morning I remembered it...te-he its pretty good so far, and I really like the theory of how things can levitate...magnatisim...
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Postby Hermy » Friday 8 August 2003 10:41:08am

Let me kow when you have finished reading it Meg and we can discuss our fave bits!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 8 August 2003 2:17:37pm

righto....I am pretty busy at the moment, but today at work (since I have a dolldrum job) I'll read some more...! Can't wait to discuss it...te he he
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 20 August 2003 7:03:31pm

So, have you finished it? I'm really curious, as I still haven't bought it. Okay to say the truth, I kinda forgot about the whole book :grin: !

I've read some reviews that the section 'The Origins of Witchcraft' isn't good. Do you agree with that, or do you think that it is good?

So yeah, discuss discuss! :razz:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 21 August 2003 3:10:55am

sorry, I just haven't been reading the's rather informational, and since it is summer by knowledgble part of my brain has shut off, and I am still on page 43 (this is pathetic...I am known to read whole english month assignment novels in a night...) but since school is starting and I'll have time between classes and free period in which my brain is still used to being used again where I can get into the book...
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Postby Hermy » Wednesday 27 August 2003 8:13:12am

I finished reading it!!! :D
I really enjoyed it - it's nice mix of the Science and the bits from Harry Potter, and the author has a good sense of humour, so it is very readable despite some of the scientific concepts being fairly complex. I would definately reccommend it.
I really like the way he rounds up the book with why Harry Potter really is magical. He says that it doesn't matter if great scientists like Darwin and Newton never existed as someone else would have come up with the theory sooner or later, however, if there were no JKR - there would never be Harry Potter......
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