How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Dunno, just read it...
You kidding!!! J.K.R wrote the BEST first sentance!
Total votes : 46

Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby Susan Montez » Saturday 5 July 2008 8:45:24pm

I saw a commercial for the first movie and that totally got me hooked....After I bought the first book I just had to buy the rest of the Series....too bad the series ended....:(
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby Wanderful » Saturday 12 July 2008 12:51:12pm

I saw it in a book-shop, I read the back and flicked through a couple of pages, I hated it. But then at my birthday party I got the 4th one, So I decide to give them another chance and now I love them !
Weird how my mind works. :D
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby emmielovegood » Friday 22 August 2008 9:38:21pm

I watched the movies and kinda liked them but never really got into it. Then I saw the POA and started reading the books which were even better than the films and now im totally addicted! :double jump:
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby hprocks » Tuesday 21 October 2008 11:14:17pm

i got hooked on to hp by my fifth grade teacher who made my class read the first book in the series. and i guess after that i really liked them and wanted to continue reading them
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby Silver Bunny » Thursday 15 January 2009 5:38:40am

Well, my older brother really like Harry potter, so I stole his 4th HP book -laughs- and read it...and i got hooked. of course, i went back to read the first, second, ect. and I fell in love with it!!!!!!!!
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby Malfoyx14 » Saturday 10 October 2009 3:00:24pm

I had always thought Harry Potter looked stupid (gasp) so I never really got into it. So my dad is friends with some radio guy for 101 the rose and they do free movie screenings of movies. He offered my dad free tix to see HBP and we were like, "what the heck, its free!" So we went and needless to say, I was hooked. lol Then I started reading the books. To read all 7 it took me less then two months.
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby Scellanis » Saturday 10 October 2009 4:24:40pm

Wow! Thats impressive, we thought the books looked bad at first too, didn't get into them untill they released the third book.

I think the front covers on the first 2 were not very good and its the cover that always sparks the interest.
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby Alice5130 » Monday 12 October 2009 1:36:59am

My mom wanted me to start reading novles since I hated reading at the time. I know I was older than 12 cus my dad died in November when I was 11. So my godmother sent me the first Harry Potter book, and a box of gifts. As I finished each chapter, my mom would quiz me over it with a question that pertained to the gift and the chapter. If I answered right, I'd get a gift. But soon, it wasn't the gifts that made me read the book. It was the story. I instantly fell in love with it.

Later, my gradeschool English teacher forbade me from using it in book reports, cus it's all I'd use. ^^"
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Re: How did you get hooked on Harry Potter?

Postby VampireOutlaw » Saturday 18 December 2010 12:48:10am

I don't know, I just read Prisoner of Azkaban in interest to find out about Sirius Black and then I was just hoplessly in love with the entity of the HP universe and ran to get my hands on GoF and OotP. I don't think I've ever read three quite thick books as fast as I did them. Within couple of weeks, perhaps. ;)
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