The Best HP Books So Far

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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The Best HP Books So Far

Postby SEAMUS » Wednesday 8 February 2006 3:26:15pm

Which is the best Harry Potter book out so far.
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Postby Mr3d » Friday 10 February 2006 6:45:24pm

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 11 February 2006 10:26:10am

For locking mods.
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Postby lovegood63 » Saturday 11 November 2006 11:35:41pm

I like the OOTOP. But Seamus, what the rubbish is your avatar supposed to be??
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Postby lovegood63 » Saturday 11 November 2006 11:36:30pm

Srry I mean MR3d.
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 12 November 2006 12:51:41am

lovegood82437 wrote:I like the OOTOP. But Seamus, what the rubbish is your avatar supposed to be??

Its a photograph of a kitten I would guess. May be some other baby animal but it looks most like a kitten and is probably their own pet so be a bit nicer in future.
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Postby lovegood63 » Sunday 12 November 2006 12:57:42am

I wasn't trying to mean, I just wanted to know what it was. I wasnt asking you so maybe you should be more nicer in the future.
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Postby lovegood63 » Sunday 12 November 2006 1:02:05am

Sorry. Mr3d i just glimpsed at it and i didn't know what it was. But when you really look at it looks like a baby animal. Scellanis I wasn't asking you and if i was it would have said Scellanis. Since it didnt have a name on it you most certainitly dont have the right to call me mean. In the future look if some1 is addressing you. I am not hear to pick fights but just to talk about Harry Potter so lets forget about this whole thing, which one was your fav. book?
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 12 November 2006 1:17:33am

You were the one that called it rubbish and now you say you didn't even look to see what it was before calling it rubbish.

You did not ask me but I am a moderator and I thought you were rather rude towards another member. You have also double posted twice in this thread, once in another and posted several one liners and that thread about the RPG.

My favourite book is number 5 because Neville Longbottom really comes out of his shell and becomes a fantastic character, I love him.
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Postby lovegood63 » Sunday 12 November 2006 2:31:39am

sorry Scellanis. But I didnt know that you are only allowed to post once in a topic. Sorry oops i didn't know :o :o
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 12 November 2006 1:58:49pm

You can post more than once but posting immediately after yourself is double posting and against the rules in most forums, admittedly we don't allow you to edit posts here so its necessary sometimes but several times on the same day is pushing it really. Possibly you should take more time to post, read it over once before pressing submit to make sure you didn't forget anything.
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