
Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby SEAMUS » Friday 20 January 2006 2:40:47pm

When Dumbledore dies in the 6th Film who do u think will protect Harry? :???:
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 20 January 2006 5:47:54pm

I think Harry is supposed to be protecting himself now isn't he....mind you, some theories do suggest that Snape might still be good and there is McGonagall and the rest of the order of the pheonix as well.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 21 January 2006 7:59:17am

If Harry isn't perfectly capable of protecting himself then he isn't up to the task of defeating Voldemort.

Which he is.

He'll be fine.
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wishful thinking

Postby half blood princess » Thursday 26 January 2006 10:48:52am

this may just be me clutching at straws but im kind hopin that dumbledore will have left somethin 2 protect/guide harry, even if its really obscure or somethin that harrys gota find. Or maybe snape will protect him, much as thats a horible idea, its the sorta thing that cud happen.

eg, snape spends whole books tryin 2 convince harry he's good and harry refuses to believ rite until the end wen we hav sum shock revelation and he saves harrys life and then dies...!

sorry, got a bit carried away ther! x
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Postby Fantasy girl » Thursday 26 January 2006 7:17:14pm

i believe that by now harry has kicked enough butt to be able to protect himself. if he can't, well then i worry about his future
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Postby Chimera » Thursday 26 January 2006 7:56:35pm

He's already stated he's gonna set out alone, he'd have no protection by virtue of being alone. If Ron and Hermy-own-ninny go with him then he's got Ron and Hermione. That's pretty much it, unless he teams up with someone else.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 30 January 2006 1:58:47am

Just re-reading HBP...geez, Harry needs to rely on Hermione to get his eyebrow coloured, how on earth is he going to defeat Voldemort? I really hope it's not going to be an all cheesy ending...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 30 January 2006 11:30:25am

I don't really want Harry to have any more guidance.

I think that at this stage it would be nice for him to show some independence for once...

And I really want to see him pull a Dumbledore.

It's a shame we've never really seen that much exceptional talent from him. I know he's alright at DADA and all that... But I would have like some... you know what I mean.

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Postby SEAMUS » Tuesday 31 January 2006 3:20:01pm

In the 6th book that Dumbledore get's kill by Snape. So how can Snape still be good to Harry? :???:
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