teeheehee, the perfect thread for me!
Ok, a couple weeks ago,
On sunday, I started off the week waking up too late to go to church. (i ALWAYS go to church)
after that, i had to clean the kitchen, wash the dogs (3 of them) and clean my brother's room... his room was covered with a layer 6 inches thick of clothes and toys. Then i got yelled at for not doing my homework until the last minute and then i was sent to bed at 10 without a chance to write or read.
On monday, i missed the bus, but it wasn't even my fault, b/c my brother was the one that wasn't ready, i had been ready for an hour. but of course, i got yelled at because it was all my fault. Then, when i got to school, i realized that i had left my six-page-long research paper on the computer desk, and the teacher wasn't going to accept it late. I had also forgotten the money for my feild trip, and got a lecture from my teacher about it. i got home and had so much homework that io had to skip dance, and after all that, i STILL didn't get it done. I couldn't get to sleep, and woke up numerous times for no reason at all.
On tuesday, igot to school, to find that i had cramps, was cranky, and had forgotten my acid reflux medicine, and on top of that, i had a cold, so i didn't feel good at all. My friend called me a B**ch, and i still am not sure why, because she still wont tell me. I failed a science quiz, because i had lost my list of root words, and had no way of studying. i got home, and had to clean the kitchen.
On wednsday, I had to babysit my ADHD brother, who didn't take his medicine that morning, and was screaming and pounding on the desk, which made my already huge headache even worse.
On thursday, I didn't eat all day, and was cranky, tired, and sick of being ignored by my teachers.
On Friday, I had to face my EVIL strings teacher. I got a progress report for her class that said i needed to stay afterschool, but my friend, who gets the EXACT SAME grades on tests, quizzes, and overall playing and behavior in her class as me, recieved an A, and a "Great Job".
I arrived in math, to a class being yelled at for joking each other, and got silent lunch and detention for something that i didn't do.
On saturday, i was grounded for my grade in strings.
btw, i am in 7th grade, and normally LOVE school