More than friends?

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More than friends?

Postby Dumbledores Master » Tuesday 8 June 2004 5:00:01pm

I have been friends with this girl at school since the beggining of 1st year and well, I think I like her as more than a friend, what should I do?
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Postby Barry Trotter » Tuesday 8 June 2004 5:33:43pm

are you good friends?

is there anyway you could talk to her about who she likes?
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Postby Krum » Wednesday 9 June 2004 6:07:00am

I think it would be harder if you told her how you feel.It's just like that with good friends.If it just happens, it happens.If you rush things everything will fall apart.Believe me, I've been there(and I still am :lol: )
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Postby han lin » Wednesday 9 June 2004 12:47:11pm

maybe but then you'll never know?
i dont know what to suggest.
maybe you can subtly ask this girl if she has her eye on anyone at the moment. if she goes really giggly and wont give you an answer and asks you then she could well like you ?!

sorry i'm useless
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Saturday 12 June 2004 10:27:43am

No no that could be helpful thanks
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Postby harrylover » Tuesday 15 June 2004 8:18:14pm

han lin you´re not useless.

I would ask her the same thing (in my case him :D )

Don´t do anything to quick... :D
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