by Meg Boyd » Monday 5 April 2004 3:07:50am
If i learned anything in psych this year, our brains are constantly making connections and finding reasons for everything around it. sometimes our memories decay partially or reasons why we have certain "memories" decay and our good old brains try and logically reason out why things are...Athena, probably you remembered a class mate dressing as Cyndi Lauper. However, your preconceieved schema of normal school attire does not consist of a 5 year old dressing like a mall tour pop star...this habit is deemed as "odd" by your prior knowledge. However, there is no logical reason for the class mate to dress like a pop tart, and your brain doesn't like this. So your brain applies this odd situation to other schemas you have through system maps. An example would be:
5 year old dresses up like a pop star for school = abnormal
5 year old dressed up in jeans, sweater and sneakers for school= normal
Abnormal behavior and dress is expected during Halloween
5 year old dresses up like a pop star for HALLOWEEN = normal
So in conclusion...your brain finds a logical reason for a classmate's eccentric dress code
btw, I don't think Cyndi Lauper was a punk rocker. I might be wrong since my stay in the great decade of the eighties lasted only four years, but I have an uncanny knowledge of 80's pop culture and the punk rock music scene and it's subculture. I just don't think "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" or "The Goonies are Good Enough" would hack it in the underground the Ramones on the other hand...
*goes off to "Rock and Roll High school"...*