memory charms on me! i need a counterjinx!

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memory charms on me! i need a counterjinx!

Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 30 January 2004 10:00:21pm

haha, okay, here's the deal. I was wondering if anyone else has ever had a "memory" that they weren't sure was real or not.
I'm working on a project of getting contact info for everyone I graduated from high school with, and getting back in touch with these people is making me "remember" things that don't seem to add up (like, why do I remember one girl dressing up in kindergarten as Cindy Lauper if not for halloween since i didn't move there until valentine's day?) This is happening so often with so many different "memories" I'm going crazy! lol
Anyone ever study psychology and know why all these weird images are going through my head? I'm starting to think I'm going crazy (WHY would a totally normal five year old come to school dressed like a famous punk rocker for apparently no reason?!?!)
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Postby choki » Saturday 31 January 2004 6:14:31pm

I am not an expert in psychology...
perhaps you had mixed up your dreams and reality? Some dreams are realistic enough to be confused together with your memory.

I always can't seem to remember how I met all my friends...I know it is impossible to know them straight away but I simply can't remember the process...(maybe I am just getting too old and senile)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 31 January 2004 7:13:45pm

haha, well i talked to my mom about this particular memory, and I wasn't in this girl's class until right after Valentine's Day, but she said she remembered this girl bein a little eccentric and it's highly likely the girl just liked dressing up like Cindy Lauper... hmmm....
Now if I can just figure out why I specifically remember meeting Glenda the Good Witch of the North at my grandma's house... :grin:
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Postby Violet » Saturday 31 January 2004 7:22:09pm

lol, there are things that i half remember happening, but not entirely. i think it's just as u get older so much time goes past and ur brain seems to get filled up, then when new things happen it seems to push the old things out. :razz:
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Postby Alice I » Monday 15 March 2004 2:09:44pm

Violet wrote:lol, there are things that i half remember happening, but not entirely. i think it's just as u get older so much time goes past and ur brain seems to get filled up, then when new things happen it seems to push the old things out. :razz:

That's actually kinda right. I am constantly accused by family members that I never remember things correctly but my father came to my defense saying "Actually Alice has an extreamly accurate memory for events and circumstances surrounding them, she just gets the order of these things happening way out of wack." :grin:
So no your not crazy, your just getting old :lol:
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Postby fierce » Tuesday 16 March 2004 11:45:48am

I don't know if it's to do with getting old... my little sister does that all the time, and she's only 15! She'll say things like "do you remember the time that..." and no one remembers, and it'll be something really odd, and i say to her "are you sure you're not remembering dreams as reality?" and she gets really mad! and then my friend started saying to me "remember when you told me this?" and i never said anything of the sort, and i say "are you sure it wasn't a dream?"

Then again, my little sister takes over our (my older sister and I) memories and claims them as her own. Like, we've told her these stories and she later on retells them with her as the one it happened to. She even did this with our memory of scattering our grandfather's ashes in a park, and having to be really discreet about it because it was illegal, only she was only a few months old and the time. She said she remembered grabbing a handful of ashes and walking over the flowers with them.

I'm sure we all have memories we can't wholly prove as having happened.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 5 April 2004 3:07:50am

If i learned anything in psych this year, our brains are constantly making connections and finding reasons for everything around it. sometimes our memories decay partially or reasons why we have certain "memories" decay and our good old brains try and logically reason out why things are...Athena, probably you remembered a class mate dressing as Cyndi Lauper. However, your preconceieved schema of normal school attire does not consist of a 5 year old dressing like a mall tour pop star...this habit is deemed as "odd" by your prior knowledge. However, there is no logical reason for the class mate to dress like a pop tart, and your brain doesn't like this. So your brain applies this odd situation to other schemas you have through system maps. An example would be:

5 year old dresses up like a pop star for school = abnormal

5 year old dressed up in jeans, sweater and sneakers for school= normal


Abnormal behavior and dress is expected during Halloween


5 year old dresses up like a pop star for HALLOWEEN = normal

So in conclusion...your brain finds a logical reason for a classmate's eccentric dress code

btw, I don't think Cyndi Lauper was a punk rocker. I might be wrong since my stay in the great decade of the eighties lasted only four years, but I have an uncanny knowledge of 80's pop culture and the punk rock music scene and it's subculture. I just don't think "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" or "The Goonies are Good Enough" would hack it in the underground the Ramones on the other hand...

*goes off to "Rock and Roll High school"...*
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 5 April 2004 4:58:17am

My husband and I were discussing her this week... we decided she was a pop singer with a punk rocker look (she had the pink spiky hair :grin:)
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