Why are girls pack animals?

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Postby Krum » Wednesday 26 May 2004 9:30:58pm

the one question is:
will it last more than a month or two?cus i'm sure as hell it won't if she's not decent and is actually trying to get a date
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Sunday 12 September 2004 6:05:13pm

Nightcrawler wrote:when I was thirteen, I was not the least bit interested in the opposite gender.
--> sama here :jump:
(gone mad with 16 :razz: )

But nowadays 13-year-olds are pretty experienced in making-out - most of them don't actually desire a steady relationship, I doubt whether they all feel good while kissing. It's more a social routine a teen has to confirm too :roll:
Sorry, but I must warn you again, don't expect anything lasting at your age; there might be some exceptions but from 12 to 15 there's flirt, not relationship in most cases.

Indeed - and when they're older, around 20, the social routine changes: now it's trendy to have a steady boyfriend :evil:
Even if you don't like him, just to show you have him, eh?!
Even, if you find him boring, stupid and unworthy of yourself :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: --> have done this at 18, got Bored with capital B. and got Happy with capital H. when I got rid of that idiot and I no more cared about pleasing the others, the society :evil grin:

What's the point?!? Dumbledores Master, that girl might be a conformistic girl and if she is, could you even enjoy the time with her?
Nightcrawler wrote:Believe me man, there is no bigger turn on than a guy who isn't afraid to be different.
--> and if she's a bloody conformist, she doesn't deserve you in the first place! What makes me think she's conformistic - look, she is playing a game of yes and no. Girls who think with their own head, usually don't pretend :roll: , b/c they know what they want and aren't afraid of expressing it. But at 13 loads of girls follow the advices in magazines *trying not to throw up* and don't think for themselves at all. Not many teens are aware if their identity - most of them are desperate for acceptance in a circle of popular friends and would delete their identity for it :evil:

Think I've vented enough :razz: bloody conformists! :evil:
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Postby Asphodel » Monday 7 November 2005 3:33:09am

Mayeb she wants to, but she can't. I'm not allowed to go out with guys until I'm 18. Maybe sshe's the same way.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 7 November 2005 9:02:34am

That's odd... Why aren't you allowed? And how old are you btw? :)
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Re: Why are girls pack animals?

Postby salemboy » Wednesday 18 June 2008 5:42:01pm

Like so many others have said, at thirteen, dating shouldn't be a thing that you're into. I'm a guy, and I'm not allowed to date until I'm sixteen. Even then, it has to be group dates until I'm out of the house. If you really like her, try to hang out with her. Get to know her and her interests, so that when she does say yes, you know where to take her. Then again, knowing how young you are (even though I'm only a year older than you :razz: ), you might be over her in a few short months and onto the next girl. Hormones, man, they can be extremely unpredictable. So mainly, just try to be friends. Also, just because she dances with you doesn't mean she likes you (not meaning to put you down). Some people just dance to have fun (myself included, when I actually go to a dance, which is almost never).
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