Lupin's Brother???

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Lupin's Brother???

Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 14 May 2003 9:29:54am

Okies, this is just a little theory of mine that I just came up with...

Remember how we discussed the origins of some of the characters names, and it's possible that Remus came from Romulus and Remis, the twins who where raised be a wolf and founded the city of Rome...

So, does anyone else think that it might be possible for Lupin to have a brother... possibly a twin? Because I think that there might just be a chance! :D
Note that all that Lupin has ever mentioned about his family is that when he was young, he was bitten by the waerwolf...

*Also to note... If Lupin does have a brother, according to the legend, Romulus killed Remus... :( *

So, what thinks peoples???
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 14 May 2003 2:31:11pm comes from an all wizarding family doesnt he so if he did have a brother he would either be a squib or a wizard who went to hogwarts.

possible i suppose though we never hear mention but i bet the kid who is a werewolf would over shadow the normal one anyway
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Postby ElvenMist » Wednesday 14 May 2003 9:30:06pm

yeah. i don't know. it is possible JK may've just used the name Remus because it has that connection with wolves. perhaps she decided to use one of the two names, but chose Remus since he is always shunned from the world, while Romulus was traditionally the strong one in mythology, which is why he killed Remus.
i think it would be out of place if Lupin had a twin brother...
maybe when put with the name Lupin it makes more sense? does anyone know what Lupin comes form? isn' a lupine a flower? let me check my mythology book... hmm. nothing there... *goes to check encyclopedia*
lupine: is the name of a group of plants in the pea family. Lupines have wand-like clusters of showy blue, yellow, white, or red fowers that resemble sweet peas. The leaves have several narrow leaflets, all attached at the same point. About a hundred kinds of lupines grow in N. America. Some contain poisonous alkaloids, but the seeds of others can be eaten.

now, that doesn't appear to have anything of specific importance in it, but i thought i would quite it anyways, just to have it there.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 4:55:03am

Yeah, Lupini are a kind of wog food/snack/thing! *I've got some in the fridge!!!* They tase good too! *Not that I can see how this helps with the theory!*

I didnt' know that Remis was shunned by his brother/the world... from what I remember, they were buliding a city (Rome) and Rumulus bulit a wall around it, and Remis laughed at him, saying that it would be ineffective due to how low it was, and proved his point by jumping over the wall... Romulus took offence, and killed him...
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 6:13:01am

I heard a rumor that Lupin's briter (that in fact would be called Romulus) will be the teacher of DADA for the sixth book, and that he will be evil and hated by all students (even Malfoy); and then I heard that it wasn't Lupin's brother, but quirrel's (I have no idea in what this is based, but it is a strong rumour I have seen)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:15:04am

Never seen that anywhere before...

But I do like it though! Except not the Quirell part, I think that he is well and truely dead!
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:26:18am

No; I wasn't clear, I meant Quirell's brother.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:34:21am

Oh, okay then!

Well, I like that as well, but I cant' see why Quirell's bro would be named Romulus, unless he had some other strange connection to Lupin... unless maybe *wait, this is really lame* he's a werewolf too? :-?
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:40:11am

No, I wasn't clear again; Quirell's brother wouldn't be named Romulus.

Tghe rumour says that it is either Lupin's or Quirrel's brother the one that gives DADA in the sixth book.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:50:11am

Well, no wonder I'm alwyas confused with you feeding me all this muddled up info neo!!! :grin:

*just joking there boy!*
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:52:03am

I know (but is partly true, I tend to confuse people)
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 15 May 2003 2:21:35pm

Never heard that rumour either...but do we actually know Quirrel's first name? Because I can't remember...what if Quirrel is in fact Remus' brother and just changed his family name...don't see why this could be, was just a thought...don't take me seriously...
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Postby Neo » Friday 16 May 2003 5:08:19am

Well definitely it wasn't Romulus, and they would mention it, no?

I think that it will be neiter of them, but it is just something I heard.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Friday 16 May 2003 5:02:45pm

I dont' think that Quirell would be Lupins Bro... since quirell is dead, I don't konw, but it wouldnt' be as interesting to find out! But I was thinking about it for a while there Mistress! It could have been interesting! :D

Though I doubt that it will happen, I would ike to see something go somewhere with this idea in the books! Maybe Lupin has a brother Rom, and he's a good guy? :-?
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Postby Mistress Siana » Friday 16 May 2003 5:10:50pm

hm, I don't really believe Lupin has a brother...maybe she just chose the name Remus for the wolf connection, since Romulus has been used in Star Trek...

But I do think it could be an interesting idea, though according to the original story, Rom would be a bad guy
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