Marauder's map

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Marauder's map

Postby Neo » Saturday 26 April 2003 8:32:51am

I'm not sure where to post this topic so I decided to have it here (anything relaed to the books fits here so I think it is the most appropiated)

I was just wondering, what happened to the Marauder's map. After Harry gives to Moody we know nothing about it till Barty says something while being under the veritaserum (I do not remember how it is spelled :-? ), and DD reacts surprised when hearing of it (because he doesn't know it exists) but then we never know if Harry got it back or not.
So what do you think can have happened to it.
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Postby Neo » Saturday 26 April 2003 8:36:17am

Thinking about it I believe this topic must be in theories (what do you think Paul?, if you agree can you help me with it?)

My theory is that DD will find it in Moody's stuff, and eventually will ask Sirius how it works as recognizing Padfoot as one of the Marauder's map creators.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 26 April 2003 1:21:47pm

Could be interesting...

I wondered what happened to it at the end of the 4th book, because we never did get told.

Maybe fake Moody left it in his trunk thing with all the locks, and when read Moody gets is abck he finds it in there...??
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Postby Neo » Sunday 27 April 2003 3:22:05am

That's for sure s possibility, and it would be interesting to see what the real Moody could with it.
But what about if fake Moody gave it to Voldemrt before he got caught?
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Postby Neo » Sunday 27 April 2003 3:24:21am

Well since TheDragonMaster is the moderator here, I should have asked you too, you think this topic is alright here, or better changed to theories? (I'm not sure where it should be)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 27 April 2003 8:55:59am

I think that he would have been too busy using it to give it to Volie, since, after all, he didnt' really know that he was about to be captured. But, he probably did tell him all about it...
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Postby Neo » Monday 28 April 2003 1:53:53am

If he tell him then Voldemort could have asked Barty Jr. to give it to him.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 28 April 2003 7:33:52am

Ah, but why would Voldie have wanted it before he had his body back? It would have been much more useful with Barty Jr as he had tho whold body thiing, and was capable of doing things!
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 29 April 2003 4:57:30am

Well yeah, I was only pointing out a possibility, I do not believe in it too much anyway.
What I'm really interested in is if Harry got back the map, and if DD will ask him about it. (I believe it is very important for DD to have forget it), so something must have happeed since the day od the third competition, and when Harry returns to muggle world.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 29 April 2003 9:16:48am

I'm not dissing the topicin the slightest! Half the things that I write in here I don't think are actually going to happen, it's just fun to talk about the possibilities, and what something may or may not mean!

Do you think though that if DD knew about it, he woudl ahve asked harry? Because he's weird like that... sometimes he says stuff that points out that he knows things, and sometimes he just shuts up about stuff...

Uhh, my brain hurts!
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 30 April 2003 5:10:32am

well, I think something that he obviously wasn't aware off will be the kind of things he will ask about.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Friday 2 May 2003 1:10:56am

I think that the map will eventually pass to Dumbledore who will in turn find a way for it to get back to Harry. I mean, Dumbledore basically knows everything that goes on around the school, so he will find it and then return it to Harry (probably similar to the way he gave Harry the cloak in PS, without Harry knowing it was him.) When you think of it, Dumbledore has done nothing to hinder Harry on all of his expeditions, even going so far as to give him a push in the right direction. Dumbledore, knowing that Harry would have to face Lord Voldemort, gave him the cloak in PS as a means of helping him when he did. Throughout all of the books, Dumbledore could have stopped or prevented Harry from going on his adventures to face Voldemort but he never has. Which could turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing in the end
Meh, am not quite sure whether or not that was an answer to the topic at hand...
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Postby Neo » Friday 2 May 2003 3:46:15am

Not a precise answer, but the idea is good; DD trusts Harry so maybe he will give him the map for him to protect in case something happens, that's a good theory, DD giving Harry the Map anonymously
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 6 May 2003 3:22:04pm

I just thought of something...

Remember DD told Harry that Prongs rode again...

How would DD have known that that was his nickname unless he had seen the map???
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 6 May 2003 5:26:27pm

Dumbledore could have known the nicknames from when they worked together against voldemort first time round
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