Dumbledore a Horcrux

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Dumbledore a Horcrux

Postby zledm007 » Friday 20 July 2007 7:17:35am

It didn't seem as though DD was too upset about being killed, especially since he petrified harry, and it was almost as if he had set it up that Snape was to kill him. (recall an argument between ol Snapey and DD somewhere in the middle of HBP, where Snape was complaining to DD that "this was going to far" or something like that. My guess is they were discussing when Snape was going to kill DD, fulfilling the unbreakable vow that DD knew Snape made for Malfoy.) If, in fact, DD is the last unknown horcrux, as unlikely as it seems, it would make his death, the fact that Snape killed him, DD's unyielding trust of the man, and DD's refusal to let Harry help him before his death, all come together. (Also, Voldy wanted something of Gryffindor's, and DD pretty much embodies what Godric Gryffindor stood for, and I still like the idea that he's a descendant.)

The only argument to this little theory of mine is that DD thinks Voldy used the snake as his last horcrux, and the snake is "unusually obedient" to Voldy, even for someone who is a parslemouth. That being said, DD is not a snake, he is, in fact, much wiser than a snake, and he has a whole soul.

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Postby Run Away!!! » Friday 20 July 2007 7:41:35am

For DD to actually be a horcrux, LV would have had to murder someone and then use a spell on DD in a big confrontation. DD definately would have known he was a horcrux.. I really doubt this theory because if LV feared anyone it was DD so I don't see him trying it.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 20 July 2007 3:23:10pm

Of course DD knew he was a Horcrux. That's why he wanted snape to kill him. But then there's that problem that LV wanted him dead. He wouldn't want a Horcrux destroyed, now would he?
I've always thought of Harry as being a descendant of Gryffindor because LV is the last Slytherin. Supposedly. Maybe DD is Harry's Grandfather or something.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 20 July 2007 4:53:01pm

no. dd is not a horcrux. voldy fears dd. it.. just wouldn't work. it just doesn't fit the story. in my oppinion, it's a very unlikely theory and i don't think it's true. that's my 2 cents.
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Postby zledm007 » Friday 20 July 2007 5:55:49pm

what if DD was Voldy's first horcrux, before he feared him as much as he does now. And, I do realize this theory is ridiculously unlikely, but it was fun thought I had.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 20 July 2007 6:36:00pm

I don't think DD was a horcrux, for the same reason I don't think Harry is a horcrux. There's too much risk. What if DD had died of old age or somebody else had killed him long before he actually died? I don't think Voldy would use any person as a horcrux because of the risk involved. People make their own decisions and it would be harder for Voldy to protect a person horcrux than a inatimate object horcrux or his own snake.
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Re: Dumbledore a Horcrux

Postby Sectumsempra » Monday 4 August 2008 2:02:09pm

Dumbledore was not a horcrux.


The reason he let Snape kill him was apparent by the end of the book. In his search to get hold of all 3 hallows, he had put the ring on in hope he could use it to bring his family back to life. However, the rig was cursed and should have killed Dumbledore. But, due to Dumbledore's immence powers, and snape acting quickly, they managed to push the curse into Dumbledore's right hand (hence why it was black).

Snape told dumbledore that the curse would eventually spread trough his body and kill him, and that he only had about a year to live. Dumbledore being the wise old man he was, knew that Draco was supposed to kill him, but that it was fall to Snape to do it. As Dumbledore didn't want Snape to blow his cover, he told him to kill him. He said he'd rather die unpainfully than through the pain of a curse. This is why Snape killed him.

Dumbledore could not possibly have been a horcrux as Voldemort feared Dumbledore above all others, and would never be able to cast such a difficult spell as to put a piece of his sole into Dumbledore. Also, Voldemort probably didn't know how to use a human as a horcrux, the only reason Harry's scar was one was because Voldy's soul was so weak, he cast it into Harry by accident.

Finally, we learn that transfiguring humans is a N.E.W.T level of wizardry..showing how difficult it is to work with humans. Keeping in mind horcruxes are difficult to begin with, adding the difficulty of using a human as one, plus it being dumbledore, makes this theory impossible. sorry.
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Re: Dumbledore a Horcrux

Postby teyannanecole » Wednesday 6 August 2008 4:38:08am

Sectumsempra wrote:Dumbledore was not a horcrux.


The reason he let Snape kill him was apparent by the end of the book. In his search to get hold of all 3 hallows, he had put the ring on in hope he could use it to bring his family back to life. However, the rig was cursed and should have killed Dumbledore. But, due to Dumbledore's immence powers, and snape acting quickly, they managed to push the curse into Dumbledore's right hand (hence why it was black).

Snape told dumbledore that the curse would eventually spread trough his body and kill him, and that he only had about a year to live. Dumbledore being the wise old man he was, knew that Draco was supposed to kill him, but that it was fall to Snape to do it. As Dumbledore didn't want Snape to blow his cover, he told him to kill him. He said he'd rather die unpainfully than through the pain of a curse. This is why Snape killed him.

Dumbledore could not possibly have been a horcrux as Voldemort feared Dumbledore above all others, and would never be able to cast such a difficult spell as to put a piece of his sole into Dumbledore. Also, Voldemort probably didn't know how to use a human as a horcrux, the only reason Harry's scar was one was because Voldy's soul was so weak, he cast it into Harry by accident.

Finally, we learn that transfiguring humans is a N.E.W.T level of wizardry..showing how difficult it is to work with humans. Keeping in mind horcruxes are difficult to begin with, adding the difficulty of using a human as one, plus it being dumbledore, makes this theory impossible. sorry.

I completely agree.
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