Percy: Imperius Curse?

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Percy: Imperius Curse?

Postby Jackman » Friday 24 March 2006 2:39:05pm

Have you noticed Percy's bosses? First, one was murdered, then Fudge was sacked, What's Next? Also, he joined the ministry and going against his family, He's not that bad, he's been Impiriused. What do you Think?

[edited to change capitals and remove multitidinously excessive question-marks in Subject title - Paul]
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Postby Lone_Buck » Friday 24 March 2006 5:28:34pm

I think that Percy's just, to quote Fred and George, "The world's biggest prat."

But your way is definently possible, and makes for a better story. I'd buy into it more if we didn't always see percy being power hungry, which we have, since book 1.
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