DD DEATH (i'm new here so i thought of this)

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DD DEATH (i'm new here so i thought of this)

Postby inaya » Saturday 4 March 2006 2:30:09pm

These are some of the clues contained in the pages of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which support the possibility that Dumbledore is not really dead, and that everything that happened that night was planned well in advance by Dumbledore himself.

But heres a theory thats probably not too common: Dumbledore didnt die at the end of Book 6. He was dead before Book 6 began.

Ok, ok, calm own, I knows you lot just storming on and on right now, thinking what hell is she going on about?, and I know you guys just shifted position to see if I have enough theory and evidence to prove this, well I do as a matter of a fact i do and I will right now!
Ok lets start with Snape, Im getting there, I know you guys dont want to know about him, you guys want to know what I have got to say about Dumbledores death, well Snape is the key that led to Dumbledores death maybe not I may be wrong. Well lets rewind a bit to the first book, oh I know its hard but concentrate and you will know, right well where was I, yes the bit about the first book, right well J.K. Rowling dedicated to do a chapter for The Potions Master. (This means Snape of course) She did an excellent job establishing his character as rude, mean, and generally nasty. (Idiot) Am I right or am I wrong, as I was saying.
You see the scene where Snape asks Harry questions about potion ingredients that he cant answer, what appears, on his (Snapes) face, is humiliation, but I think the scene means much more than it meets the eye. I believe Snape is trying to find out whether Harry is as talented in potion making as his mother was. That may not seem important, but at this point we still dont know the nature of Snapes relationship with the late Lily Potter (Was he in love with her? Goodness knows) or whether he was present when she was killed protecting her son. Right well lets skip a bit, to where our potions master says his monologue,

You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I dont expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even stopper death if you arent as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach. - Book 1, pages 136-137 this is why you need to concentrate on the first book to the last, the women is bloody clever anyway

At first reading, it sounds interesting but unimportant, but it leads us back to Dumbledore. As I stated earlier, I believe Dumbledore was already dead at the beginning of Book 6 because of this:
'I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even STOPPER DEATH. (you get me so far, getting inside you yet about my theory) ok my next bit of information came to me right now.

At the beginning of Book 6, we learn that Dumbledore was injured dealing with a cursed ring, a Horcruxe (an object where a person conceals part of his soul), which blackened his hand. His hand looked dead because it was. In fact, so was he. I believe Dumbledore was fatally injured but somehow managed to live long enough to get to Snape. In order to continue guiding and training Harry in his ultimate task to hunt down the rest of the Horcruxes and battle Voldermort he needed more time. So Snape, The Potions Master, mixed a concoction that would stopper Dumbledores death. I repeat: Rowling referred back to that conversation in Book 1 for a reason. (come one guys is this good or what, dont tell me its confusing, I thought of this a week ago ok, and it really nice of me to share it with you guys)
In other words for you Dung heads that were not getting my theory so far, Dumbledore was a walking dead man. We all knew a major character would die in Book 6, but look what Rowling has done: the character was already dead at the beginning of the book! The tragic scene at the end was all part of an act set up by Snape and Dumbledore, which brings us to the end of the book. (And you know what happens)
We know with 99.9 percent certainty that Dumbledore wasnt afraid of death, so when he said please to Snape as he stood defenceless, I knew instinctively he wasnt begging Snape to spare him. Lets finish Dumbledores sentence for him: SeverusSeveruspleasedo what you promised. Kill me. (Getting there now)
First Year Student in Witchcraft and Wizardry
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Joined: Saturday 4 March 2006 2:24:32pm
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