Who will stike the final blow ??

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Who will stike the final blow ??

Postby DarkSoul » Tuesday 16 August 2005 4:57:24pm

I have a theory That During the final Battle between the Dark Lord and Potter, The Dark Lord will be standing over Harry triumphantly with his wand pointed at his chest about to deliver the final blow, When Neville will cast the killing curse on The Dark Lord. I'm saying this as it is a twist that would co-inside with the Prophecy.
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Postby Person1 » Tuesday 16 August 2005 4:58:42pm

Yeah, i thought something like that, but he hasnt marked Neville as his equal.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 16 August 2005 5:04:04pm

here's a thought sometimes you need someone who is not equal but has an upper hand...
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Tuesday 16 August 2005 5:09:18pm

i still dont think that will happen

i mean unless neville somehow gets some great power because right now he couldnt apparate his way out of a paper bag :lol:
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Tuesday 16 August 2005 5:35:03pm

i doubt this will happen. because as dumbledore said: the profecy is happening only because LV (and harry now) make it happen. so it will be harry who is going to strike last at LV.
but hey, i'd enjoy that too... that would definitly be a blast for LV. but harry might feel uneasy. as probably this will be his life's purpose. and not achieving it...might be a blow.
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Tuesday 16 August 2005 7:22:56pm

I don't want to see Neville use the killing curse. (I would mind seeing him kill Bellatrix in an evil more grisely way, but no dark arts for Neville.)

I can't see this happening though. If it did happen, I'd be elated for Neville, but so sad for poor Harry. All that he's been through and for almost nothing. Sure Voldy would be dead, but Harry wouldn't have gotten to do it. Also, everyone's been preparing him to kill Voldy, so all that work would be wasted. It would be tragic, I tell you.

And I don't ever want to see Voldy get the upper hand of anything, not even an argument with Wormtail. (Especially because then he'd kill Wormtail for winning the argument, mwhahahah!)

Yeah, that's my two knuts.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 5 January 2006 10:01:14am

I'm thinking it won't be much of a killing blow. I'm thinking that there's still a lot of magic that Harry doesn't know about, and I'm thinking that before he does anything he should figure out exactly what he can do to destroy Voldemort.

One thing's for sure, I'm definitely going to be watching with keen interest as to how this story will play out.
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Postby Jaikai » Saturday 5 August 2006 7:32:24am

Somehow, I just don't see Neville delivering the final blow, it would be far too twee and predictable for Jkr. I think she has something much more explosive and unexpected up her sleeve than the old alter-ego zero saves the hero twist.

Although I have to admit, I'm banking on something more from Neville...
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Postby choki » Saturday 5 August 2006 1:43:18pm

I can't imagine Harry would use the killing curse against anyone, not even to Voldemort because he is not evil at all.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 22 November 2006 3:08:24pm

How's this for a hoot - how about Harry having to cast a love charm at LV to make him good to defeat him!!

I highly doubt as H has built up so much hate for him now but how funny would that be!!!
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 22 November 2006 8:59:34pm

Highly unlikely,... but funny! :D
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Postby Chimera » Friday 1 December 2006 8:57:49pm

Maybe he won't use a spell. Voldemort considers his and Harry's muggle lineage as worthless, so it would be poetic if he was killed by a weapon devised by muggles. We know Harry can use a sword, for instance...
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Postby Simatra » Saturday 2 December 2006 3:20:11am

True. It's possible. :-?
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Postby Chimera » Saturday 2 December 2006 7:57:23pm

Probably safe to say we can rule out guns...
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Postby Simatra » Monday 4 December 2006 6:57:23pm

Harry Potter and Voldemort go outside for a shootout at high noon... :eek:
whee ee wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee woo woo woo. :grin:
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